Anyone ever played The Maze?(Compulter mini game)

It’s a game on some sites whe you guide this little dot though a maze 3 times. the last level is hard to move so you put your eys close to the screen. At the end you get a surprise.

I remember playing a game like that where you had to run through it without hitting the walls, and I did not like it at all cause that surprise picture scared me half to death. :angry:

I played it once. Unfortunately.

I think I mentioned this on the ‘Scary Movies’ thread a while back… but yeah, I have a feeling it’s this one. Played it a few years ago, and recently one-two months back when I posted it as a link… scared the bejeezus outta me, but after several times, it becomes kinda funny. Now when I think of that picture, I burst out laughing… seriously, I don’t know why. Am I weird? Yeah, I’m weird. :stuck_out_tongue:

I played it several months ago. I was scared for my life.

Heh. My uncle sent this game to me some time ago. He loves sending his family and friends things like that, so I was one of the unlucky ones who got tagged. It scared the heck out of me. I wasn’t as freaked as this guy, though:

– Mitch