Ashley's Graphics

I apologize for the poor quality of the first two pictures. They were taken with my cheap little 3-megapixel camera. :blush: Our computer doesn’t have a DVD drive to take stills from.


Ha ha ha, I really, really love the last one. It is so funny! Nice work CL!

Haha! Very cute, Colette Linguini! I especially love the Emile and “big nose” ones. Heheh. :wink:

Don’t worry about the poor quality. That’s actually not bad for taking the first two images with a camera. It actually seems to have given the pictures a rather warm and “glowing” atmosphere.

– Mitch

CL- Haha, that last one is hilarious! Remy’s got that slight eye-bulgy look that gives him a really shocked expression. :laughing:

Thanks! :slight_smile:

Two new ones:

This one was Sheila’s idea. The quote was from the Ratatouille screenplay.


Even I think that that’s rather cute, and I hate mush! :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve gotta read that screenplay now. Cute signatures, guys! :wink:

– Mitch

Ooh, very very adorable CL. Really nice! Kinda heart-warming too.

New signatures!

This one is so lame but I couldn’t resist :laughing: :

(even though Remy has no home at that point)

And lastly, the better quality version of “You have a Rash?”


HAHAHA! These are all hilarious! :laughing:

And cute. :wink:

Love the “hot dog” one! XD

Really nice CL! I applaud thee!

Those are all wonderful. You did a great job with those. :wink:

Colette Linguini - The “hotdog” one is the best, man. :wink:

Great signatures! :smiley:

– Mitch

What is next on the list CL?

I wonder if there’s a way to copy stills from a TV to a computer? :smiling_imp:

A113: I am not sure about TV to computer, but I know DVD to computer! :wink:

Yep, that’s pretty easy…if you have a DVD player installed into your computer. Is there a way without having to bouy a new DVD player for your computer?

I felt like doing more A Bug’s Life, so:


Colette Linguini - Heheh. Very cute. The rain makes it look as if both characters are zooming through the stars, so the theme pairs nicely with the effect. :wink:

– Mitch

Excellent shot choice there CL! I love it! Really clever caption too! keep it up!