Ashley's Graphics

Teehee. :laughing:


That easter egg was funny! It’s my favorite of all four! By the way, I always wondered this: WITW were they doing? (other than saying “Yes!”)

Now THAT was random. xDDDDD

Awww CL, it looks really cute. Simple, yet cute.

Colette Linguini - Haha! That’s funny. :laughing:

A113 - It almost looks as if they’re preparing to be rigged for a motion-capture moment, but, truth be told, I have absolutely no idea. Maybe they were just fooling around? :laughing:

– Mitch

ihani either. It doesn’t seem to be motion-capture, since there’s not that many “dots” on the suit they’re wearing.

Boy, that’s weird.

NikChik11: xD

Wtc? What am I doing over there? xDDDDD

(btw, I can’t stop laughing for some odd reason… O_o)


NikChik11: Why are you so funny? But laughs are great, they’re “contagious”. xDDD

You know, those blue/white suits remind of something, but I just can’t seem to remember. :confused:

They remind me of astronaut suits. Maybe the stuff they wear under them? Like the kind with the built in toilet that goes BEEPBEEPBEEPBEEP when you pee!

Oh, my bad… I was being funny again. :laughing: … IT WAS MATER! He made me do it! :open_mouth:

Mater- nuh-uh! I ain’t the one who’s been watching too much Fairly Odd Parents!

heh… ^__^;;

So that’s where Mater is! I’ve been looking all over for him (actually I saw him a few months ago next to the McDonald’s) xD

Ashley: What kind of TV screen do you have? I sometimes try taking pictures, too, but it never turns out as good as yours!

I see Mater ev-er-y day on my tv screen. :smiley: Plus, theres a rusty tow truck that drives by our school like everyday. O__o

Mater- That’s mah cuzin Billy Bob! :slight_smile:

O_____o Okaaaaay…

A113: The TV I use is a small Toshiba with a flat screen. Specifically, it’s a Toshiba 20" Diagonal FST Pure® Television/DVD Combination… if that helps.


Okay, I know I’m going a bit overboard with the whole “YES!” thing, but (in the words of Edna) “I had to continue!”


P.S. I apologize for the double-post.

That must be my problem; I don’t have a flatscreen. :frowning:

Well, the graphic you made looks really simple, yet the shot is great. Nice work CL.

Colette Linguini - Heheh. That’s very cute, dude. :wink:

– Mitch



Ha-ha! That’s the sniff ‘n’ speak Emile, isn’t it?

In any case, that’s really creative and funny. :wink:

I’m laughing at your last graphic, Ashley! xD

By the way, do you think this could help you out?

Ashley - Puh-ha!! That’s hilarious! Very creative, too. :laughing:

– Mitch