
You feel the same way I do huh somethingguy? Oh, I would love to hear some elaboration.

Having a family is somewhere near the top. Choosing a career that is fulfilling and gives back to people. Becoming extremely good at my chosen profession. Generally being a good person.

I have (and have had) many smaller, more superficial aspirations, too- but I’m inclined to think that once you’ve taken care of the important things, the little stuff just falls into place. :wink:

After watching not one, not two, but four Brazilian-themed movies last month, I have a deep desire (or as the cariocas would call it, saudade) to visit The Marvelous City.

I have been to most of the Anglo/Euro-centric cities like Paris, Amsterdam, Honolulu, Milan, Madrid, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Las Vegas, London, Moscow, Zurich, Prague, Lucerne, etc.

While there are a few Anglo/Euro cities like New York, Toronto and Rome that I would love to visit, I’m wishing that we could visit more exotic countries like Egypt, Botswana, Mexico, Cuba or Brazil. The only continent my family hasn’t been to is South America (and maybe Antarctica).

Or cities like Rio, Shanghai (I’ve been to Beijing), Sapporo (the birthplace of Miso Ramen, I’ve been to Tokyo and Hokkaido), Havana, etc. I’d love to visit 'em.

I’m sorry if I sound like I’m bragging, but I’m really grateful that my parents are very adventurous. And we don’t take a vacation to visit one city, we usually book tour packages to see several in one shot (it’s cheaper than visiting individually I guess). But we really take an interest in the world. One of the games we played on our last trip (which was to New Zealand, eerily before the earthquake hit), was to take turns to name as many countries as we can. My dad and brother would usually be the winners, but I’m getting better. :slight_smile:

I already know how to play the piano (I went up to Grade 7, but now I think I’m more Grade 2-3 after many years of neglect), so I would love to learn to play the drums or guitar next. Or the ukulele, it looks like a very charming instrument.

One of my rather silly aspirations that got me into the field of media and entertainment was to see my name on the credits of a blockbuster played on the big screen. I almost always stay for the end credits (unless my friends want to leave early); firstly out of respect for the creators and secondly to see if there’s any post-credits scene. :slight_smile:

Right now, my most pressing goals are:

  1. Do well for my last semester of uni.
  2. Get a job I love.
  3. Write a book/draw a comic and get it published.
  4. Get a girlfriend.
  5. Get a house by loan or rent.

I’ve probably got other dreams, and I’m pretty sure there’s a ‘Bucket List’ thread created before. I’ll write more when I remember.

I mostly want to travel. (For now) Every place where there seems to be stuff to visit here in the USA, I’ve never had a chance to see. I’d love to go to California, (my parents took when when I was 3 and I don’t remember it at all), Tour San Francisco, swing by Pixar studios, maybe Hollywood, just to say I’ve been there, maybe Disneyland, and then go to that San Diego Zoo I hear so much about.
But, I must say, I would do almost ANYTHING to get to go to the northwest part of the country. I’m not even going to list what I want to see there, there’s so much. :slight_smile:
I’m very determined to go someday. I’m aware that it would cost a lot of money, but I want this so bad I’m willing to save up for it.

I also would want too travel.

But definitely not to Cuba, as each time you do that you support its government and the misery in which the people is living.

Not to Brazil, either, as I live just about it, and the cultural difference isn’t so wide for me to consider it a exotic country.

As everybody knows, I’m most about Europe (well, not much the Mediterranean countries). I would certainly like to go there, and possibly live.

If shyness and asperger’s weren’t both kicking me in the heels right now…

There is ANOTHER person I like now, which in my heart I might have a much better chance of dating, seeing that we both seem to get along with mostly anything despite some seemingly rude things that I’ve said on my part, which, once again, i didn’t mean. I’m feeling really glad to be around her, and she does seem to light up when I’m around, although of course there is another person right across from her desk which he ‘fancies’ her too. I’m not much of a storyteller and I don’t really have an exciting life to live by, which could give me the disadvantage i suppose, but of course, i’m more modest and sweet, even when I do sometimes pull off as being rude and ‘coming on strong’.

I can see that travel is something a lot of us would like to do. I agree on that one. I too want to be in love…I’m still really young but it feels like it’s taking forever to happen and I’m getting scared it never will. Another dream of mine is to own a Porsche someday. I’m sure you can guess how that aspiration began but I truly do want one. I would be the most proud girl ever if I could achieve that being that I come from just a typical middle-class family. Getting a job I love and succeed at is very high on my list as well.

The top of my list is falling in love, definately. I want to be able to share everything I’m thinking about with someone who will accept me totally and wholly. And then we go off on our honeymoon to Disney World :smiley: My wedding’s alll planned out already :slight_smile:

^ That’s another one of my main aspirations, too! I haven’t planned anything yet, though. :laughing:

Same here. Finding true love is super important to me. I haven’t planned my wedding yet but I’ve got a good amount of ideas. :wink:

A lot of girls do that and I think that’s unfair. Maybe the poor guy has his own ideas 8D

I guess it’s just a girl thing. :stuck_out_tongue: I’m sure they do have ideas of their own though! And that’s when you gotta compromise!

Isn’t the Guy supposed to plan something? I’m pretty sure about 95% of all weddings have had that same occurence…

SoA: Well, I suppose I shouldn’t have travelled to China or Russia either, which also have Communist/totalitarian regimes. :stuck_out_tongue:

I know the Cuban government is corrupt, but Fidel is sort of a ‘benevolent leader’ like Mao Zedong, and most of his people respect him, despite some of the stuff he did. And I will support the local people and their industries instead of the ‘tourist attractions’ or government enterprises, should I choose to visit it one day. It is a beautiful country, with a rich history and wonderful music. I’m not going to let a horrible government stop me from experiencing its culture and people.

If we applied the ‘boycott’ principle when choosing which country to visit, we wouldn’t even leave our house! America has well-known torture incidents of detainees and terror suspects. France has racist and Islamaphobic politicians. Italians have the Mafia syndicate. Spain has countless corruption scandals in its government. Does this mean that we shouldn’t visit either of these countries and support the locals?

Well, I won’t talk about China or Russia, but Cuba is a little specialty of mine as I live in the country that has give them the most support in the last years (sadly) and because I made a documentary on their situation.

I know a lot of Americans in the actuality believe Fidel is “benevolent” (that you used that expression makes me very sad, as he has brought nothing but suffering to his country) and falsely believe that he’s loved by his people (they’re forced to do it). I won’t blame Americans, cause you’re simply not very involved in their current situation and don’t know some of the details.

It’s good that you don’t plan to go on the “tourist route” and instead you wanna help the people. Luckily, they’ll keep some of the money, as they’re robbed of it, there’s no other word.

And yes, it’s a beautiful country (the natural parts, as sadly there’s a lot of misery in most towns) and it has a rich history (if a little bloody, but that’s normal for most countries, specially the Latin ones).

And I didn’t mean it as a “boycott”, but I know it sounded like that. But the situation in Cuba is different from that of Spain or other countries. The authorities use tourist as a powerful weapon: publicity.

This is getting very off topic again 8D We should have a board for this kind of thing.

Oh, this is an interesting subject. There’s quite a lot of stuff I still need to do… My aspirations currently are;

  • Travel to New York once
  • Learn how to draw humans
  • Get a book published
  • Donate money to help save the Spix’ Macaw or another endangered species
  • Complete my Fairy Tail Bird collection
  • Get better grades on my schoolwork
  • Finish Donkey Kong 64 for 100%
  • Watch the missing episodes of Donkey Kong Country that aren’t on YouTube
  • Finally get those incredibly rare figurines of Klump and Krusha (from the earlier mentioned DKC TV show) and a plush King K. Rool (also DKC)
  • Own the beta for Conker’s Bad Fur Day, Conker’s Quest: Twelve Tales
  • finish that wretched Donkey Kong Country fan comic I’ve been working on for a good few months now
  • … maybe I should get a boyfriend, too.

I like that one. Looking out for the environment and animals is great. :slight_smile:

what’s the Spix’ macaw?

It’s a bird, looks just like Blu from Rio.

That’s what I thought it would be…