Atlantis The Lost Empire

I adore this movie!! One of my favorite Disney films(which is 90% of them), and I want her added. Sorry, guys.

Because maybe she didn’t break out in a song… :laughing:

Haha, true perhaps!

I don’t see a reason not to… unlike say, Mulan or Jane, she is actually the ruler of a monarchy system, so technically she would be deemed a princess.

It could be also that I had a massive crush on her when I was a kid… :blush:

Don’t be sorry about your opinion, it does not offend me or anything xD

She is without a doubt Disney royalty. It’s canon. Should she be apart of the official Disney franchise? No. She does not fit.

Ooooh you’re telling on yourself… :laughing:

Well, for a girl anyway, she is cute.

Even if her hair is white, I love her. I really look up to her.

She’s a pretty good, er I mean pretty girl.

XD I love the swimming scene. Pretty, and funny!! I love the under water mosaics.

Hey, at least I’m being honest about it! :laughing:

I swear, I was like Milo. She was so stunning, I had to pick my jaw off the floor. :open_mouth:

thedriveintheaterYeah,I think she’s pretty too,she looks more natural than other Disney girls… :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing:

But the scene that I really Love,maybe the best scene or scenes in the movie is “The Crystal Chamber” all the way to the end of the movie…Awwwsoome!!! :smiley: And too did anybody stare in awe at those huge giant stone-thingies? :open_mouth:

As natural as you can get with white hair and glowing tattoos LOL. But I get what you mean, and that’s probably what I love about her.

You mean she looks the least “fake”, yes? I can see that…
She doesn’t appear drenched in make-up like some Disney girls.

gosh, why didn’t I notice this thread before? I have to say, I’ve loved this movie since I little. It’s the first Disney movie that I remember seeing in theaters- even though I’ve been told it was probably my fourth or fifth :unamused: . I think that the character of Kida is a great one, and an awfully strong one too. I love Milo also- but is it just me or did you not want them to end up together? It’s weird because I love those kinda stories where a geek gets the really pretty girl, but I guess I just felt like their relationship wasn’t developed enough or something :confused: ahh well. Did anybody see the sequel also? I didn’t like it exactly as a movie, but I think that it would have made a great TV show! too bad it didn’t make that much money at the box office…oh, and I voted yes on the poll. I love the Disney Princess franchise, and I think that Kida would make it even more diverse and wonderful :slight_smile:). She might not be the natural princess, but neither is Mulan or Pocahontas. (and for the record, they’re my favorite two in the whole line.) :smiley:

woody,were have you been?I was going to ask a favor of you but,it’s too late now…Anyway I agree on Kida being strong…She rox!!! :slight_smile:

She is definitely the most hardcore princess x]

^ Yeah really!!! :laughing:

Hm, that’s odd. I love them together. <3

She has got to be one of Disney’s most unconventional princesses… no scratch that, female protagonist.

I’m all for her joining the royal lineup. Silver-haired tattoo girls rule!

We need more girls like Kida. :sunglasses: