Attention WALL-E Fans: Pixar/Disney Thank You Card Project!

we are giving thanks…

I’ll try to get a sig in…i didn’t realize i could do this till now.

I think a lot of people didn’t. I’m trying to spread word more. points to signature

Oh, and guys? A little while ago, we had some folks wondering about actually mailing me their pictures? I’m sorry to sa I’m not going to let people do that. If I allow everybody to, it makes me feel uncomfortable cause I’d be giving m info to a lot of people I don’t know. If I just let my friends do it, It’d be kinda unfair to everybody else. So no mail-in entries. Sorry.

I totally forgot about this, so I’m glad the deadline has been extended. I’ll try to draw picture of WALL•E, or write a letter or something, and send it to you as a Word document.

I don’t know if you’ve sent it out already, but for the record, I don’t think you should include fanfiction. Studios don’t accept outside ideas, because then there could be a legal battle should the fan claim it was their idea first, and fanfiction generally falls under the same category.

This is a great idea, and I just want to make sure it succeeds.

It’s great that I came to the boards in time. I’d like to express my deepest appreciation to Pixar, so I’m glad I have caught the time. I’ll try to post something within the next three-four days :slight_smile:
----[added a lil bit l8r]----
I know what I’m going to draw, but I’m stuck with the background scene for my idea. If possible, wait for some extra two-three days for my submission :wink:

If the idea is not dead yet, take mine:

Normal resolution (apprx 1.3mpix, jpg, 260kb):

Hi-Res (for the thankyou postcard, 30mpix, 3Mb, JPG, 600dpi):
Not too good drawing - I’m not an artist. It had to be night, but when colored it was too dark and awful, so I had to redraw it again.

That’s such a lovely drawing, Actine! And it’s got a great message, too. I’m sure the people over at Pixar will really appreciate it. :smiley:

Thank you, lizardgirl!
Don’t you want to submit your thanks or signature, too?

Actine: Wow, that looks really cute.Pixar is going to really love that picture.

Actine- Yup, going to do so now. :smiley: I feel bad that I haven’t had the time to draw something, but at least we’ve got some other beautiful pieces of artwork to put on the cards already.

I hope this fits all of the requirements.

Thanks, TheStarSwordsman!
Lizardgirl, the more the better :smiley: The deadline was yesterday, but I think this won’t be closed until there is a needed number of the artwork.
So you still have some time :wink:

Netbug - I was wondering if you received my letter to include in this project? I sent to you in a PM.

It seems like Netbug forgot about this project. Pity.

Nope! Not forgotten! I’m just a bit slow and need to get some things together before I can finish this project, but it’s going to get done! I’m hoping to finish sometimes before Tuesday. Submissions are now CLOSED!

(Yes, I got your PM rachel.)





…Yeah, okay, I’ll add it. xD

If you already started something and can finish it by tomorrow, I’ll add them folks. Other than that, submissions are closed. Cool? :slight_smile:

The submissions are what? The deadline’s closed! :open_mouth:

Argh…! I’m so sorry for the late reply, I’ve been procrastinating.

Anyway, here’s my submission I’ve frenzily whipped up in the last half-hour:

Sorry, it’s my first time I’ve drawn anything using a Wacom… so it looks a like a childish doodle… :stuck_out_tongue:

If it’s not too late, Netbug, please include mine. I’m know I’ve been putting it off (I was aware of it, but my music video and fanfic projects kept me busy) and I apologise for that. Thank you for your starting this project, and we’ll await your response from the Pixar/Disney folks (Oh yeah, put my sig in both letters). Thanks again! :smiley:

EDIT Holy crap! :angry:
I realised the grammatical error of the article “the” between “To” and “Andrew”! Never mind, maybe we can read it as “The Andrew Stanton and team…”

If you want the extra ‘the’ removed, here it is… If not… ignore this.

Thanks, C3PO! But I’ve already fixed this in the updated version below. I appreciate your kind offer anyway! :smiley:

Since Netbug hasn’t replied me, I have revised my previous version and added a few words and repositioned Wall-E and Eve so that they are now holding hands… :slight_smile:

Please use this latest version, Netbug! And thank you once again!

I’m late as well. I’m always a last minute person. :frowning:

Hope you can still take mine!