Bad Reviews That Crack You Up

^Thanks for that. Now I can never watch The Hunchback of Notre Dame again without throwing up.

Haha hilarious. THese reviews are all hilarious.

This review of Justin Bieber: Never Say Never on IMDb made me laugh:

^That is one of the most humorously pathetic things I’ve ever read. 8D … id=1978420

This one about Winnie the Pooh. It doesn’t exactly crack me up, but instead make me sad.

So basically he’s always had a negative opinion of Winnie the Pooh. Shame, I remember an old VHS of The Honey Tree I used to watch.

That one just angered me a little.

I’m sorry to bump this topic, but I just felt I HAD to post this review here. It’s perfect for this topic. It’s a bad Amazon review of Finding Nemo, well not exactly a review, but more of a rant of the things that went wrong during his viewing experience. I don’t know whenever to take it seriously or not. I guess the review itself is gone since I can’t find it anywhere, but a blog managed to back it up.

Hilarious! He advices everyone else to avoid it just because HE had a bad experience watching it! Comedy gold. … 7MN1EDKGZ7

Any reviews by Armond White gets a laugh out of me. 8D

^ Ha! I heard the place he wrote for is gone now.

Geoff, that is a pretty silly and hilarious review you found!

Yep. I just find it funny how he gives every critically aclaimed film he’s seen a negative review.

^ And gives Positive reviews to Movies that generally get negative reviews.

Exactly. That makes me to believe what he thinks of Cars 2 since it was a critical disappointment.

That very humorous review of Finding Nemo brings up an interesting point–when the review is so bad it cracks you up, it might be a “fake” written to achieve the comic effect. Back in the 80s, a review of Stanley Kubrick’s film The Shining appeared (can’t remember the author, but it might have been Tom Shales) in The Washington Post. The review stated with deadly certainty that The Shining was absolutely a metaphor delineating the extermination of Native Americans. The evidence cited was quite extensive. To this day, folks who know about the review can’t say whether it was for real or contrived to demonstrate how reviewers can basically come up with anything they want. Maybe it stemmed from a sense of dry, deadpan humor…who knows?

In general, crack-me-up reviews are the ones that get their facts wrong and badmouth the movie based on the erroneous “facts”…and there are far too many of those to count.

Same :slight_smile:
Although the one Geoff found is hilarious :smiley:

My god, I was looking on IMDb and found this review of A Bug’s Life. He’s comparing the premise of the movie to terrorism and making out like the grasshoppers are the good guys. Just read this.

I couldn’t stop laughing when he compared Flik to Osama Bin Laden and the circus bugs to Al Qaeda. It can’t be serious, right?

That is… awful! :laughing: And the movie’s from 1998, too. Nevermind that it’s based off The Magnificent Seven and Seven Samurai. Those must have been commentating on conflict in the Middle East as well.

Definitely Chester A. Bum’s review of Follow That Bird.

That’s like the greatest review ever. Seriously, I literally laughed out loud.

I just watched that review of Follow That Bird the other day. It was pretty funny.