Beverly Hills Chihuahua

the adventures of shark boy and lava girl and the naked brothers band

don’t insult us preteens like that! ;-p

When my friend first tried to show me the trailer for this, I admit that I kinda cringed and never wanted to see something like that again. When I saw it in the previews with Wall-E, I kinda felt the same, but I actually laughed that time.
I’m not going to try and bash a movie based just off the trailer, but I’ll just say that I have no interest in seeing this at all.
If it does happen to get good reviews and I get some recommendations for it, I may consider going to see it. And we don’t really know anything about it right now anyway. I might change my mind, but I doubt it.

I saw the trailers for these in theatres. I heard a lot of people laughing, and some even saying they want to see the adorable dog movie when it comes out. So you got a couple people who are excited for this movie already.

i think i can understand what TSS is saying. when i saw the teaser for kung fu panda for the first time, i thought “wow, dreamworks is really running out of ideas” but i might see it now that it’s been getting good reviews.
heck, when i first saw an add for finding nemo, i thought that movie would be dumb! :unamused: :laughing:

When I went to see Wall•E, the first couple previews there was some laughter from mostly the parents in the theater, but when that preview came on, there was absolutely no laughter from anyone in the theater during, or after the preview for that matter.

Not that the movie will be bad, but just saying my experience. And I agree that it may just be the trailer that they chose to use. The film itself could be good, but I can say that I’m not going to see it, even if it gets nominated…

…Ok, we know it won’t get nominated, but even if the reviews of it are good, I still won’t see it. Btw, on the way out of the theater, some parents were asking their kids what they thought about the previews. Most of the kids said that they didn’t like the Chiahuahua one.

Yeah… no…

Disney, just stop. Please? Do what you do best! Around Brother Bear and Lilo and Stich, what happened?

Now what do we have? College Road Trip starring Raven, and this piece of crud.

Unless Bolt is good (and the trailer is promising, in my opinion), I will lose what little faith I had in Disney.

Well… except for Pixar, of course :smiley:

I love how everyone is trying to be nice about the film, saying that they don’t want to judge a film by its trailer, when that’s what the trailer is there for- nine times out of ten, if the trailer is bad, then the film will be bad. After all, going to the cinema is expensive and there’s got to be some kind of differential between all of the different films. I’ve seen the trailer, and I didn’t really get it. Needless to say, I won’t be seeing it in the cinema. :stuck_out_tongue:

I think the reason the PIXAR fans aren’t being trailer judges is because a lot of times, PIXAR has made a trailer that made some of us go O.o and we’re always proven wrong. Nemo looked dumb to me and I went to go see it anyway. Ate my words pretty bad there. Then, while not PIXAR, there’s the issues of Meet the Robinsons, which had a stupid trailer and was a great movie IMO. It’s the reason I have faith in Bolt.

But BHC still looks dumb to me, and I’ve read the synopsis on the official site.

There should be a scene in WALL-E where he picks up a bunch of Beverly Hills Chihuahua DVDs and compacts them into a cube because this movie looks like absolute garbage.

Oh, nubetre? We need you! XD

Wow people - you’re behaving as if you’re forced to watch it! xD If it doesn’t matter to you, relax, ignore it, and go about your business. :stuck_out_tongue: I don’t care for it at all, and I’m not going on and on about how much I hate it. :unamused:

FONY, if you’re not having fun, then please don’t try to spoil our fun. :sunglasses:

Netbug009: You have? It has an offi…shu…faints

I’m not trying to ‘spoil your fun’ - this whining just seems pointless and a waste of space. :stuck_out_tongue: And, if everyone hates it and is not going to see the film, why keep the thread open? I think the point has already gotten across that it’s not going to be a good film, and I think we can end it at that. :unamused:

And, it doesn’t seem to me that anyone here is having any fun that is any danger of being spoiled - the only fun I can see is unnecessary post counts on the rise. :stuck_out_tongue: But oh well, it’s out of my power to put an end to this. So go right ahead everyone – I’m just putting my two cents in.

Netbug009: :neutral_face: I’m scared to look at the official site. Could you explain it to me first, please? o_0

Oh give me a break. It is just a website. nothing that’s gonna burn your eyes. :confused:

Yeah I just checked it out, and it’s not as bad as the trailer. :stuck_out_tongue: It sings a little bit, but thankfully it stops. You have nothing to be afraid of. :unamused:

I still don’t trust They tend to crash my computer. XD Could you please explain it for me, Netbug009?

More vids! Watch out for the first one…

[url]- YouTube
[url]- YouTube

To defend TS2’s case, when me and my sisters saw the trailer before WALL-E, I herd Kelcey whisper to Erica “Offensive much?”