Thanks, TSS .
I’ll try to have more work up soon, but I can’t promise anything, as my life outside the boards has become rather hectic again as of late.
Thanks, TSS .
I’ll try to have more work up soon, but I can’t promise anything, as my life outside the boards has become rather hectic again as of late.
Bill - You do have some potential, Bill! Continue to hone your anatomy skills and the like and you’ll be on the road to success.
– Mitch
Well, that is okay Bill. I ain’t going to rush you. I’ll wait for your next piece. And you are welcome BTW.
All I can say is that is one really giant horn dude. Nicely drawn.
Bill - That horn looks like it came out of a Dr. Seuss book.
– Mitch
Mitch - Yeah, you’re not the first person whose said that. Heheh. I’ll try to do some actual Dr. Seuss sketches since this is an original piece of work.
TSS - Thanks, man. I really appreciate it.
You’re totally welcome dude!
Wow Bill, that Sneetch looks really good! You drew him marvelously.
Hey! I remember the first sketch you posted from Mark Kistler’s Imagination Station learn to draw in 3D book!
looks like you got alot of inspiration from that guy!
hehe! I haven’t read that particular book but…i’ve read one of his books when i was younger
Thanks, TSS. That’s actually for the last project in my Drawing/Design II class before the school year ends for me. The assignment’s partly to sketch something out of a children’s book, and my teacher brought in some books for example use.
Unlike most of my sketches, that is actually my original piece (I usually trace over with pencil or ink, since my scanner copies my drawings differently. By that, I mean they always come out looking altered in some way. But then, of course, I always fix/patch them up in Microsoft Office Picture Manager, but that applies to every one of my sketches). I wanted to use this one because you can see the “sketchiness” as it were, the “blocking out” lines.
Oh, and yes, that dragon sketch I posted is a freehand version from a Mark Kistler book. I didn’t take drawing seriously until I saw his program on my local TV station, Mark Kistler’s Imagination Station. I credit him for making me want to draw seriously in the first place. I always made sure to watch his show, buy his books, and take his summer classes for a few years when he came to Wisconsin. That’s where my drawing style came from. It’s kind of like his because… well, you know, I drew from his books, etc. I guess I’ve since developed my own drawing style, but I can’t help revisiting Mark’s work.
Oooh, really nice Bill. What is it supposed to be?
TSS - I don’t know, actually. It’s basically just something that came up in my head.
Also, I’m searching around for animation software to begin work on my first short film effort. I’m aiming for a fifteen-minute product, and hope to begin storyboarding it soon.
Oooh, really now? I can’t wait to see it. Good luck on it Biil.
Now that is an alien that is totally out of this world. (Okay, that was cheezy,) but still, it looks very good.
Hey, thanks, man. My father’s helping me find software for my short film. I haven’t yet begun storyboarding it. Heck, I haven’t even thought of a story, I’m so lost on that. I do, though, know the character I want, and have chosen a title for the project. When it will be completed, I can’t say. I certainly won’t rush on this though.
You running this thing 2D or CGI. If you want a good 2D Mirage is the way to go. If you can still find it that is. I think its publisher may have stopped the program.