Bob/ Helen theme song <3

8D That’s a little random, MB. Anyway, I need to watch it myself… :nerd:

I love being random its one of my hobbies I guess you could say :laughing:

I’ve watched TS3 way too much lately(it’s finally growing on me, but I still prefer TS2) and Losing You won’t leave my mind. :cry:

Yeah well what can I say we’re big Pixar fans. We cant get enough of the movies. :laughing: :smiley:
I’ve never heard of Losing You whats that if you dont mind me asking?

It’s not in the movie, just the ads.

I just listened to it, its beautiful. I adore Randy Newmans music…have you ever listened to Thoman Newman?

Yes!! I love his Wall-E score. <3 I’m a huge Randy Newman buff myself. :stuck_out_tongue:

yes I’ve always thought he was talented ever since I saw the first Toy Story movie. :smiley:

Girl, you should hear Short People. :laughing: I’m 5’ 0", so I’m probably a hipocrit for loving it. :laughing:

:laughing: :smiley: Thats not that short. I’m 5’9 lol 8D

Teehee :slight_smile: I’m watching the movie on youtube now as we speak.

The internet says you’re 5’8" 8D

Where does it say that lol :slight_smile:

In my link. :slight_smile:

Guys, please try to stay on topic.

All You Did Was Save My Life- Our Lady Peace

Just listened to it, great love song. It’s my sister’s bf’s song for her.

Ooh, I’ve never heard of that song before. I need to give it a listen sometime soon.