
Just finished reading That Was Then, This Is Now by SE Hiltion. Pretty good book, interested in seeing the movie. Surprised that they even made a movie out of it.

Finished Children of Húrin. Rereading The Hobbit now.

I ought to read The Hobbit! Or any Tolkien books, admittedly.

Good idea. ;D

I’ve read some good books lately. I read a book about Charles Ponzi, and Sons and Lovers by D H Lawerance. I’m currently reading Hershey by Michael D Antonio. So far I’m really enjoying it.

Got to go to the library for the first time in a long time the other day. Finished Kathryn Lasky’s Guardians of Ga’hoole #4 today; it was awesome, probably my fave thus far! Also started the wonderful wonderfulness that is Janice Thompson’s Weddings by Bella #3… it’s such a darling series! Makes me just plain happy whenever I read it!

I’m currently reading Mutiny on the Bounty.

Which one? There are several by that name, including one by Jules Verne and even Captain Bligh’s own account is sometimes printed under that title.

Nordhoff and Hall (1932)

That’s probably the most famous. I’ve only read the Verne short story, though.

I’ve started reading Pride and Prejudice for the first time ever. It’s really good! I’m already enjoying it more than the other two Austen books I’ve read. I like how even though the novel was written so long ago, a lot of the humour still works (same with Austen’s other books really).

I have it and have yet to read it! Which are the other two books of hers that you’ve read?

I just read Dalai Lama(Tenzin Gyatso). Very sad, but inspiring. It’s kind of amazing to me how we hear so much about the holocaust, but not about how the same thing happened in Tibet more recently. This was a pretty sad book, but it was also hopeful and inspiring. Hopefully one day the Dalai Lama and his exiled government can go home.

I’ve read Gossamer once.

I just finished reading Jennifer Rogers Spinola’s Southern Fried Sushi series. It too me pretty much two days to finish them because I couldn’t get enough of them! They’re so lighthearted and funny (as you can probably tell by the titles alone), but they’re also super heartfelt and even crazy intense at the same time! It’s not your atypical romantic comedy, that’s for sure, and they’re so worth the read :slight_smile:

Mom gave me a new book to read…it’s called Grayson: about a swimmer who must help a baby whale find its mother off the coast of California. It’s very interesting to me, actually–although I haven’t quite started reading it yet…

Just picked up The Fault in Our Stars. I’ve heard it was pretty good and I love John Green, so let’s give it a try. The movie coming out in June helps motivate me too.

TFIOS UPDATE: it’s like really good and stuff.

I’m just wondering, has anyone read the Divergent book series? I have and I love it so much. And is anyone excited for the film? I am!

Has anyone here ever heard of Temple Grandin? My mom just borrowed one of her books from the downtown Mansfield library, and it’s called The Autistic Brain.