Bullseye making dog noises?

Did anyone else kinda found it odd that in TS3 Bullseye whimpered like a dog a few times, and then whinnied at other times. I know his personality is like a dog and he acts dog like but hes still a horse. Even my grandpa who hadn’t even seen toy story 1 or 2 thought it was odd. Ive been looking for the toy story collection bullseye and I jokingly said I wonder if he will cry like a dog as one of his 10 sounds.

I don’t find it odd at all. its part of his personality.

Heck, Scud sounded like a tiger in the first movie. they mix and match animal sounds all the time in movies.

I noticed that, kinda weird for a horse to make dog noises.XD I have a real horse and I’ve never heard him whimper or growl. :laughing: But Bullseye is a toy so I guess he could make dog noises.

Bullseye speaks dog.

Bullseye is a non-speaking character, and I think it works for him. Since he can’t use words, they use certain sounds to make him more expressive. It’s not anything new, people have been saying he sounded like a puppy at times since Toy Story 2.

I found it more surprising to actually hear him do the horse noise to acknowledge his presence[spoil] during Ken’s role-call[/spoil]…we never hear that

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All Animals Are Dogs

Same here!

That’s an interesting point. I guess because Bullseye is a toy, he can make whatever noises he likes, and his behaviour is definitely that of a dog so making dog-like noises just reinforces that.