buzz thinkway defective?

My thinkway buzz just came in the mail the other day. It’s brand new and unopened, but when I pressed the buttons the head will turn, the lights on his wingspan will blink, but there’s no sound coming out of him. None at all. This is the same with all 3 buttons, just head movement and no sound, and the lights on his wingspan will blink for quite a while before it stops. Does anyone here have heard of this problem with buzz?

Does anyone think this is something that could be fixed if I open the box? Maybe if I switch to the ‘talkback’ mode it will talk? Any insight/help is appreciated. Thanks.

i posted this in the thinkway thread as well, but i thought i’d create a new thread to get a wider response. maybe someone could help. i hope that’s alright with the mod.

Your going to need a replacement, sounds like the speaker just isn’t going to work. My first Buzz did this and I had to return it to toys R us where I bought it.

The lights on the wings thing is normal though. even in play mode the lights only blink for so long.