Can Someone Post Some High-Res Screenshots? … h15m26.png

Wow, Bryko, is there anything you can’t get? :laughing:

Why yes, actually. the same things I can’t get. Anything from the ciniexplore mode, and possibly even the english titles and signage. :wink:

Ah, okay. :laughing: It just seems like he runs the whole screencap thing around here.

bryko, where you get your signature picture? its good to see toy story in christmas!! may i have it too?

^ It’s a screen from the holiday greeting from last Christmas Pixar put out. :slight_smile:

[url]- YouTube

Say, can I have a screen gallery of the scene in the dump truck? From when the toys fall in to when they arrive at the dump?

Specific scenes -

  1. Woody looks around and sees Buzz glowing, and yells to go to Buzz.
  2. Rex, Hamn, and the other toys scurry to Buzz, and they all surround him. I beleve Bullseye pops up out of the trash piles at one point, so if I can see a picture of him with his head sticking out too…
  3. Woody starts roll call with the toys while Buzz looks around
  4. The toys are knocked back by the stopping garbage truck
  5. The toys look up as the garbage begins coming in
  6. A very distressed Woody and the gang flees in terror to the side
  7. Buzz looks around calling for his senorita while the toys retreat in the background
  8. Buzz charges to dig out Jessie
  9. Buzz digs out Jessie and takes her hand and runs out with her
  10. Hamn says, “They’ll never make it!”
  11. Buzz runs out carrying Jessie romantically, while they exchange loving looks
  12. Mrs. Potato Head: “Look out!!!”
  13. Buzz and Jessie look up
  14. The TV crushes Buzz
  15. The toys scurry over to lift the TV
  16. Buzz is hauled out as the toys look on as Jessie tries to awaken him.
  17. Buzz wakes up and looks around as the toys stare blankly
    18.Rex: “In a garbage truck on the way to the dump!”
  18. Buzz’s smiles freezes in shock and fear
  19. The toys look around as the garbage truck pulls into the dump
  20. The toys all go sliding into the dump in a landslide
  21. Woody under a few pieces of trash, and then climbs out
  22. Woody stares in distress at the grim, dark dump.
  23. Rex and the other toys pull themselves out of the garbage as Mr. Potato Head asks Mrs. if she has all her pieces
  24. The LGM’s point at the Claaaaaawwwww and take off
  25. The LGM’s walk off, but are then swept away, leading Woody and Mrs. Potato Head to assume they were killed
  26. Woody’s back facing the camera as Mrs. Potato Head screams in horror at the plow approaching
  27. The toys’ looks of horror as the plow sweeps them up.
  28. Rex screams in fear
  29. The toys are swept by the plow into the conveyor belt

If I could please get as good of a gallery of this entire sequence as my previous requests, you’d rock even more as much as Randy Newman. :slight_smile:

Hate to be a bother, but any progress on those screens i requested? I know, I know, it’s the holidays, but I’d really appreciate these screens. <:)

Thank you and Happy Holidays!

Really sorry, I completely forgot. I’ll get them to you soon.

Those two are stunning Team_Lightyear. Dang, look at their expressions!

Those are fantastic! Nice job!

I’m sorry… but it had to be done :laughing:

Again, does anyone have a screenshot of the picture of young Andy playing with his toys?

Didn’t I already post several somewhere in this thread?

Doesn’t look like it. I’m talking about the picture itself that Woody looks at near the end, not clip in the beginning.

Ahh, I missunderstood.

Can someone post pics of the Buzz Manual, outside when losto holds it, inside when lotso holds it, when barbie shows it to woody, and when hamm is looking in it.


It appears that it was take down, could you please post it again? thanks again

Zombie thread, arise!

I only have four screenshot requests this time. In HD, Blu-Ray, 1080p, whatever. The highest quality you can get conveniently.

  1. A few shots showing Woody’s smile fading after he says, “Andy’s gonna take care of us, I guarantee it!”
  2. Woody slumping as he looks around Andy’s room
  3. The picture of Andy playing with the toys under Andy’s other papers
  4. Woody looking sadly at the picture, knowing he can never return to those happy days

Thank you, whoever takes time out of their Easter or whenever to help me!