Now, I’m not a fan of Carrie Underwood, and definitely not a fan of country. But this video fills me with such joy I can’t even begin to tell you. Why? 2D’s coming back, and I couldn’t be happier.
So yeah, thoughts, concerns, massive surges of glee? Let it out.
EDIT: If you hop onto Yahoo’s main page now, there’s a better quality video.
EDIT 2: Yahoo has changed their main features. Here’s a link to a Veoh version of the video, which can also be enlarged to full screen.
I’m looking forward to “Enchanted” too, it certainly looks promising and so glad that 2D is coming back to the big screen again for Disney, even though its just a small portion of the film (the rest is live-action). The songs are great too! Heard some of them on Youtube.
Not a big fan of Carrie Underwood either but the video clip is cute. Esp. the first and last potions, which are animated.
Agreed! If I’d known I couild make myself look that pretty I would have animated myself ages ago. Haha.
And isn’t it funny? I never noticed how angled her jaw line was until I saw here animated. I know that as an animator you’re supposed to accentuate the features, but still. Heh, shows how much I pay attention to people in real life.
Join the “being single is so not cool” club. We have jackets.
I’m so psyched for this! I’m so glad country is slowly merging itslef with animation industry as the songs and artists are by nature so much more timeless than the here-for-the-moment pop culture crap that is so frequently used now. Also the songs are becoming more original or at least new and innovative covers of the classics.
Also loving the animation! I’d almost forgotten what new, fresh 2D looks like - Awesome huh?! And I have to say how much it reminds me of vim’s work - if I didn’t know better I’d say she was the lead animator on the character. =P
I’m glad they decided to use 2D in this movie too! But I got such a fake out when I first saw advertisements for it. I nearly lept out of my chair because I thought it was going to be a fully 2D animated movie. it was a bit of a let down once I saw it was partly live action.
So did I! I got SO excited, but once I realized that most of the movie would probably be live action, I got a bit disapointed I’m still really glad that there will be some in 2D, though. I think it’ll be a nice treat
Ugh, no offense to Carrie (I love country), but she looks awful in that 2D transformation! She’s obviously very pretty on the real-life video (lol), although I don’t like what she’s wearing either… hehehe.
A-a-animation!! Traditional animation! With pencils!!
Alright, I’ll admit right now that I hated, yet loved, the video. How is that possible? Well, I’m not all that keen on the new age country music, even though my favorite “species” of music is…country. On the other hand, I was transported back to the 20th century after watching that video. Ahhh…the good ol’ days…
Quite interesting. I’m glad that traditional animation is finally being revived after all these years. Long live the queen! (heheh)