Cars 2 - Easter Eggs

What kind of easter eggs do we have here?

Some I noticed (PLOT SPOILERS):

Pizza Planet Truck:

Both leaving The Mel Dorado Show and at the Radiator Springs Grand Prix at the end.


Mater’s license plate (obviously), Siddley’s tail fin, and the serial number at the bottom of the screenshot of Miles Axelrod’s engine photo.

Any others?

Ah, I totally hadn’t thought about the PP truck. Silly me! ><

Anyways, there is a Lug Nuts in a Cup sign on one of the billboards during the Tokyo arrival montage.

points to the left :laughing:

I think we had a thread like this quite some time ago. Anyway, here’s a few I found.

[spoil]Gastows in Italy[/spoil]
[spoil]The Incredimobiles at a drive in theatre in which Mater and Lightning pass in Radiator Springs.[/spoil]
[spoil]The Brave reference inside of a pub in London where the lemons go into.[/spoil]
[spoil]Lassetyre ad during the London race.[/spoil]

I never noticed A113 as the serial number in the Axlerod photo. I’ll have to watch out for that one next viewing.

Hahahaha, Lightning McClean. That’s so weird. 8D Wait, how do cars even hold a vacuum? :open_mouth:

-Lightning, Mater, Finn, and Francesco silhouettes around the globe in the Cars 2 poster.

-Lotso in the Tokyo part of the huge Cars 2 poster.

Now that is awesome. :-D)

professor z is just above lightning! :smiley:

Haha, sure enough! I wonder if Holley’s in there somewhere…

Oh yeah! I remember the first time I posted it and we were debating if it really was him or not. I think it is. :slight_smile:

I looked pretty hard for her but no, she’s not. :frowning:

Aw, too bad. :frowning: They shoulda put her in there, seeing that they have all the other main characters there.

I know right?! You would think she’d be in there. :unamused:

[spoil]Gastows is in Paris, when Mater, Finn, and Holly go there to talk to the French guy about the parts[/spoil]

Yeah, It’s one of the easiest easter eggs to find in the movie.

Hello everybody, Im watching Cars 2 right Now,at my friends house. So far it is really good of a movie.
“Speed, I am Speed!”
See you guys later!

I never caught the Lug Nuts in a Cup one before! haha! Thats funny :smiley: I think i’ve seen most of the others, though I didnt catch the Brave reference. What was it?

The tapestry in the wall…

is the tapestry from Brave:

Oh! Clever! Guess I never checked the walls. My eyes always focused on the cars at the bar