Cars 2 Reviews

Yeah but it went down to 67% then went up to 71%. :slight_smile: I’m telling you, there’s no possible way it can get lower than the first Cars.

Yes, that’s true! I literally panicked when I saw it go down to 67% this morning, so it’s mildly reassuring. I’m expecting us to end up at 78%, but I’ll probably be horrendously wrong.

Keep in mind, 90% of the audience wants to see it, so they’ll go in with a good attitude combined with an open mind. :slight_smile:

All the new reviews that keep coming in are positive and the top critics are all positive so I have no doubt the score will go up!

Virginia and another told me about a top critic (his name escapes me) that will probably give it a bad score just because he’s never good to Pixar films.

Armond White? Yeah, he automatically hates anything good.

Armond White is NOT a top critic. He’s a troll who hates good movies and loves awful movies.

Hey! That’s his name! 8D I guess I’m the only one on the site who has never heard of him! :laughing:

Yeah, he’d be the guy to mess this up for us.

Yeah, I can literally think of less than 5 films that are actually good that he happened to give a Fresh review to. :unamused: So when his review comes in, I won’t believe a word of it, most likely.

What’s more, he takes stabs at Pixar outside of Pixar film reviews. His review of My Dog Tulip makes it seem as if he reviewed it positively (or even reviewed it at all) just for this purpose. Do note that I actually enjoyed this film, though some of its qualities may turn off others. (89% “Fresh” on RT, though.) Anyway, here is his review:

It’s back down to a 67%. 10 good, 5 rotten. I’m getting really sick of these people who, since they hates the first Cars, are just hating the sequel.

I’m getting really sick of people hating it because of one character.
I’m getting really sick of people bashing the movie when they didn’t even see it.
I’m getting really sick of people hating it because they hate an actor.
I’m getting really sick of people hating it because it’s a huge franchise.
I’m getting really sick of people bashing it because the trailers don’t live up to one quote taken from the director, when it clearly goes with the quote and not against it.
I’m getting really sick of people hating it because they’re taking the movie way too seriously.

I’m getting really sick of this movie being hated for ridiculous reasons. Yes, ridiculous reasons. Are they ridiculous in my opinion? Of course they are. They’re my opinion because there’s no such thing as statistics for this. However, I do know that many people agree with me when I say that people who say negative opinions, especially some listed over the past two or three days, are doing it over the most ridiculous things.
I’ve held my tongue for a few months, but my eyes are sick of seeing it over and over again. I can’t stand the unfair opinions this movie has to go through. Do I hate the people who hate Cars? Absolutely not. Does it hurt when I see them bash it? Of course.

I feel so bad for Pixar. They couldn’t emphasize it enough: This Pixar movie took the most out of them than any other Pixar movie. They’ve worked this hard on making the sequel and you won’t see it based on a quote? You won’t see it just because you don’t like a certain actor? You won’t see it because it’s the characters from the first movie? You won’t see it because you dislike the fact that it’ll make the franchise grow?

I feel even worse for John Lasseter. All he’s trying to do is share a passion with the rest of the world. He sped up the movie and made it funny instead of bittersweet like the other films. Instead of what was slow and drowsy to some in the first Cars. He wants us to laugh and smile. Is that so bad? Would it be so horrible to just give that to him?

Call me crazy, but I’m a fan of this movie. I’m a die-hard Cars fan. If that makes me look stupid because others find the movie to be stupid, so be it. I don’t think it’s wrong to stand up for a movie that I love unconditionally (which is why I’m completely bias right now) and with all of my heart. Yes, I guess I’m a blind fan girl, but I’m a proud blind fan girl.

Yeah, let’s all take a movie about talking Cars so seriously so we can get all angry when we find out it wasn’t realistic enough.

Listen guys, it’s not realistic. It will never be a realistic. And not being realistic is not bad thing in the least bit.

I used to say that I didn’t care, when I really did. But you know what? All that caring has done was made my feelings hurt no matter how much I try to see the other side of things. I’ve tried my hardest to see the other side, and sure, I agree with some of it. However, I will never agree to bias and unjust bashing to a movie that made my life.

So let the people who don’t like Cars or Cars 2 say what they need to say. Let me tell you what I’m going to say:

I don’t need to see the movie to know that it’s a great family movie that would be impossible to not bring a smile to anyone’s face.

And I don’t have to see the movie to know that Pixar will once again please me, like it never fails to do.


That needed to come out, sorry, but it needed to. :laughing:

Yes, you do.

No, I don’t. If I already know I’m going to love it because I love Cars, I don’t. In fact, when they took a photo of the screening in the middle of the movie, everyone was smiling at the screen while the movie was playing so it’s not like they could have paused it and told them to smile. Even the people way in the back rows of the opposite corner were smiling. Granted, yeah, it could have been one funny part they just happened to snap a photo of really fast. However, two reviews even said it was impossible to sit there and not laugh at one thing.

So yes, I can.

I wholeheartedly agree with jessie. I am not against the opinions of these negative reviewers as they are entitled to think what they want, but people have completely wrong expectations for this film. Pixar acknowledged themselves that Cars was a lighthearted movie meant to be funny and entertaining, not a tearjerking masterpiece. And Cars 2 is simply continuing that. These reviewers are expecting a Toy Story 3-type film that will leave them sobbing, and don’t realize it’s not meant to be that. Wouldn’t it become repetitive if all Pixar did was make us leave the theater in tears? I’m not saying it can’t be touching, but we don’t need to come from all of their films with those emotions. I am ready to enjoy Cars 2 for the fun and entertaining aspect of it – what it was intended for.

Remember to take all these rotten reviews with a grain of salt – if the movie were coming from any other studio, no one would be this picky.

ouch…59…well thats ok its only tuesday. im sure itll go up again

It’ll go up. It will definitely be better than rotten. You see, people are huge losers in the sense that no one is even trying to make the score look good. Because it’s Cars, they’re nitpicking every single thing.

Well, I don’t post often (actually, this may be my first post, I’m honestly not sure. EDIT: 2nd :wink: ), but I lurk around quite a bit, and I thought I’d share my thoughts.

Well, I have to say, I never thought I’d see the day, at least not with Cars 2, because even though it didn’t look like an arthouse film like Wall-E or Ratatouille, it still looked like good, honest fun. It boggles me how certain films connect with critics and some don’t. I understand that it’s a matter of their taste and no one opinion can be right, but how do films like Fast Five get an okay pass when movies, say Tron: Legacy don’t? To me they’re both popcorn flicks that have really cheesy and over the top moments but the difference between critics opinion on them is crazy.

I’m going to Cars 2. I love Pixar, I always will through thick and thin, and even if this ends up rotten, I might still really enjoy it as I did other films deemed rotten. Who knows? It’s only 17 reviews. I think it might be able to pull in a high 60, low 70 when it comes down to it.

If it pulls the same or higher, I’ll be happy. But I have a huge feeling that there are good reviews no one is posting. There are a ton of people who saw the movie. There’s not way it can fall rotten. Of course, anyone who wants to complain about something does it faster than if he or she wanted to compliment something.

Yes, you do.

You know, just because I’m sure you won’t be satisfied until I say it, let’s say that I do. :slight_smile: Won’t argue with someone who obviously won’t change his or her mind for anything. :wink: