Cars on Disney Channel

Thanks for the info, Andre! I’ll be going out at the time that Cars is airing, but am pleased that Speed (aka The Bus That Couldn’t Slow Down) is being shown as I’ve wanted to watch that movie for a while now. Let us know if anything out of the ordinary is shown during the Cars screening, mkay? :slight_smile:

Sure thing, Rachel! Is this your first time watching Speed? :slight_smile: If so, then buckle up! It is one of the most intense action films of all-time (partly because the threat is palpable throughout and it happens in real-time). Sandy and Keanu deliver their breakout performances, and Hopper plays one of the coolest ‘bad guys’ on screen! There’s some sly humour and a romantic sub-plot too, so trust me, you’re gonna love this!

Aaahh… this is so totally wicked! Kachow! Kachinga! Kachinga! :smiley:

I haven’t ever seen Speed before, I don’t think… Ah, well. I might be home later so will probably miss the first part of Speed, but thanks to the ads, fingers crossed I can catch the latter half, otherwise I’ll just borrow it from the library or something. Thanks for the rec, Andre! =D

You Australians are lucky!!! XD Send me on a flight to Sydney now!!!

Haha, well, pretty much anywhere in Oz that has a TV set is possible, L&D:wink:

Well Speed is on now… though if you missed the first half, I recommend you rent it Rachel, as it’s better to watch it in one go without having the continuity broken up by the ads. Plus, there’s important foreshadowing in the earlier scenes that will establish the later twists to follow… :wink:

I was disappointed that there was nary a Pixar ad spot in sight… :frowning: But our TV just got the 7 HD Digital channel this year… and witnessing Cars in its resplendent 1080p glory is nothing short of amazing. The colours just leap at ya, especially the ‘magenta sunsets’ and ‘azure afternoon’ in the big sky scenes. And the gleam of chrome, the shiny paintwork, it’s so visually-sumptious! Ahhh… so freakin’ awesome! :mrgreen:

Oh, and 7 showed respect to Pixar by not squeezing the screen in half and fast-forwarding through the credits (unlike Ten did for Speed :angry:). Good on you, 7!

I wanna see Speed! Is it good? Is it clean (meaning no bad language or bad scenes)?

It’s totally wicked! :smiley: Well, bad language-wise, Keanu drops a couple of F-bombs out of sheer frustration (he’s trapped on a runaway bus and taunted by a madman, it’s not like he’s going to watch his words! :laughing:), and a few minor ‘S…’ and ‘A-holes’, but it’s not often and again, to express the intensity of the situation, rather than to look cool.
‘Bad-scenes’ wise, for the violent parts, there are one-two pretty gruesome deaths, but otherwise most of the time the people just get into life-threatening situations. Making-out wise, little beyond your standard rom-com (it’s primarily an action film after all).
I’d say if you’re above 13, it’s definitely worth a watch. It was a 90s movies, so standards were lax then. :wink:

Rachel, did you watch Speed? :smiley:

Sorry to get off-topic, I love this movie way too much!

Did other Aussies catch the Cars screening? :smiley:

Hm… I dunno. I don’t watch movies with swearing and adult scenes in it. But thanks, thedriveintheatre !