Cars Short film

Bill - Apparently it would be in front of Wall-E.

I would be happy to see another Cars short film. I would love to revisit the characters again.

Who wouldnt be happy to revisit them? :wink: That would be fun to see. I’d definitely enjoy that.

I’m gonna be honest here: I wouldn’t want Pixar to do a Cars short film, just because I don’t want Pixar to start repeating themselves. There was Mater and the Ghostlight which was pretty good, so isn’t that enough?

And I don’t think Pixar would put it in front of Wall.E anyway, because it would break their tradition of premiering original short films in front of their feature films. I really want Pixar to continue to do new projects and stories, but while also continuing on old stories that merit the sequel treatment, every once and a while, as with Toy Story and The Incredibles.

But if they were to do it, I do see Pixar premiering a new Cars short online, maybe…

I think I’ll have to side with rachel on this matter. Pixar Animation Studios is about originality, is it not? It would also puzzle and annoy me if they broke their tradition of doing things, well, traditionally. Heh.

I have also heard tell that a Cars 2 is in progress. If this is, indeed, true, I will encounter a road block, one that spells the name “disaster” on it. Now, don’t get me wrong here. I’m sure that Pixar would be able to make the feature itself a great one. It’s just that… Well… Wasn’t one enough? Eheh.

Je is confused. :confused:

– Mitch

I’m siding with rachel and Mitch as well… Pixar really shouldn’t make another Cars short film, they don’t really need to. Like rachel , I don’t like the idea of Pixar repeating themselves at all, be it short films or features. As Brad Lewis said, " You can’t repeat yourself, you have to keep going forward." Okay, that’s not exactly what he said, but it’s close enough… heheheh.

I agree with all three of you. I honestly would rather see an original film/short or even a different sequel before I saw a Cars 2 or a Cars short. However, I trust Pixar believes they have a story good enough to make any of these - if indeed they are true. :wink:

Cars 2? Oh, no… I hope not.

I’m probably going to be a bit biased here because I wasn’t that much into this particular Pixar film, but with Toy Story 3 coming up, and The Incredibles 2 possibly on the horizon, Pixar should continue to come up with original stories like they are doing now.

I really don’t think Cars is the right type of movie for a sequel, anyway. You know how there are “sequel” movies, and “non-sequel” movies?

Exactly. Cars seems to fit into the latter position, if I do say so myself. I sure hope that Pixar isn’t going down the tubes, so to speak. shudders

– Mitch

Eh, I doubt it. I trust Pixar knows they have a good - no, great - story up their sleeves for Cars 2. After all, having a solid story in line before you make a sequel is like the eleventh commandment for them! :stuck_out_tongue:

This is even coming from me, somebody who has Cars on the bottom of their favorite Pixar list. :wink:

Gasduude - I suppose you’re right in that aspect. Pixar does seem to know what they are doing with it comes to story, that’s for sure. I even remember Mr. Lasseter stating that a decent and solid plot-line is the studio’s biggest priority when it comes to film-making, thank goodness. Hopefully, it shall stay that way for a good period of years (I’m betting my money on a never-ending date line). :wink:

The thing is, even with a great story, (and I know I’m gonna be hated for saying this :laughing:) the characters in Cars are, IMO, a bit limited. Lightning learned a lot in the original film, as did Doc, but apart from that, it seems as though most of the characters didn’t go through much of an arc, so to speak. I personally think Pixar would be better off focusing on new characters in a completely new world.

lizardgirl - I definitely have to side with you there. They should “keep moving foward” instead of back-tracking; not that back-tracking is a bad thing, but still… :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh sure but if it was another movie like the Incredibles nobody would be complaning,No fair! :stuck_out_tongue: :confused:

I would really like it if they made a Cars short, but I highly doubt they will, considering that most of the shorts (at the front of the films) are extremely random, and in most of the newest ones, none of the characters talk. It’s a good idea, though… :slight_smile:

Sorry L&S, but I think many of us here would have to agree The Incredibles was a much better film and has alot more sequel options than Cars, heheh. :wink:

The Incredibles was a lot more layered and had more possibilities to expand upon the characters and story, unlike Cars. As much as I would want to see an Incredibles 2, if there was an Incredibles short attached to the cinema release of a new Pixar film, I would have the same reaction, as with the supposed new Cars short discussed here.

rachel: Bird left the possibility of a sequel for TI after the movie. In fact, at the end, he left the audience wanting more.

So as much as a Cars short sounds good, I think it stands trong where it is.

Well,in my opinion the Incredbiles wasn’t all that.I don’t care how much the movie made or other stuff as long as its a movie that I like. :sunglasses: :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, yeah, people’s interpretations of movies are subjective. But when you have film critics saying that The Incredibles is a better movie, and more layered than other Pixar films, it would suggest that it is more deserving of a sequel than some other Pixar films, such as Cars.

I can see how all the Cars fans would want a sequel since they loved the first film, but you have to step aside and think “Will this be the best decision for Pixar? Does Cars really need/deserve a sequel? Can the characters be expanded upon, or did the first film pretty much cover it?” Maybe then you will come to a different conclusion…

I don’t know why, but that made me laugh. :smiley: