Celebrities your tired of

Oh, okay. Sorry. I thought you meant some specific event. 8D :blush:

Nope, Iā€™m just sick and tired of listening to her and about her.

Awesome! :smiley: Bad Romance is good, too.

TSS: Is that so? Hmmā€¦see, I donā€™t have a TV, listen to the radio, etc., so I donā€™t actually see or hear about her that much.

Leirin: Not only on TV and on the radio, but my coworkers, the kids I take care of, and even my friend talk about her nonstop.

I used to admire Charlie Sheen, but, i think heā€™s flown right over the cuckooā€™s nest a few too many times now. The Royal Family iā€™m tired of hearing about, Justin Beaver (notice the last name), Robert Patterson and Kristen Stewart, Sarah Palin, and, i think thatā€™s all i can name right off the bat.

Charlie Sheen is a lot of trouble. I mean, so much controversy, and now, I got replaced in Two and a Half Men.

I like Charlie Sheen but he is just another train wreck just like Lindsay Lohan (who I also like).

I thought Lohan was gonna be a special person after the Parent Trap. no sheā€™s just a mess.

Oh yeah, Amy Winehouse, except i just heard something about her again and again once she died. Still, a trainwreck that wrecked with Pearl Harbor and was in the middle of Fat Man.

The first two words of this thread took the words right out of my mouth; JUSTIN BIEBER. :angry: He may be a Canadian but he annoys me soooo much. :imp:

YES! FINALLY, a girl that agrees with me!

Everyone in my circle dislikes Bieber, boys or girls. Personally, I donā€™t even know who he is.

Basically he is a 17 year old boy with a high voice and girls like hismusic because they like him . Weird how that works. It seems that girls never like ugly boysā€™ music :stuck_out_tongue: At least the kind of girls that do that sort of thing. Frankly my cousin says almost any guy is hot and it disturbs me :shake:

The only thing i can top on at him is being more masculine and older than him, and Iā€™M PROUD OF IT.

Iā€™m tired of the Royal Family, too. I personally find everyoneā€™s fascination with them annoying and creepy.

I like Charlie Sheen.

YES!! At least we are past the worst (seeing their wedding on every single channel) but now people track them like theyā€™re celebrities. :unamused: Kateā€™s sister Pippa is getting her own reality show out of it evenā€¦what has the world come to?!

Iā€™m fed up with Cheryl Cole. Sheā€™s in the British papers every single day for being a whiny has been :frowning:

Really? Thatā€™s stupid. :neutral_face:

I know!! There is no other reason why sheā€™s getting one except for the fact that sheā€™s her sister. But it seems like anybody can get a reality show on TLC so it shouldnā€™t be a surprise. :confused:

Yeah. Itā€™s a bit annoying. I hate reality TV anyway, but thatā€™s preposterous.