Central Brave Discussion

I’m always happy to see a positive review! Glad you enjoyed it.

I’m always positive when it concerns animation! 8D; but yeah, I loved it.

I’m glad you both enjoyed it! :smiley: I think I liked it even better the second time!

I just read on Cartoon Brew that Brenda quit Pixar. She’s going to Lucasfilm. Sad to see her leave, but I had a feeling she would go after Brave was in theaters.

If you don’t mind me asking, what gave you that feeling?

It just seems whenever a director has been removed from a film, they tend to leave the studio afterward. Like Brad Lewis with Cars 2, Chris Sanders with American Dog(or Bolt), and there’s a few others that I can’t remember at the moment. I originally thought she would have left right after they removed her as the main director, but she didn’t, she stayed. Maybe it was to see how well Brave did, or to get her name out there, who knows. I just keep thinking there’s no way she’s going to stay at Pixar for much longer after that. I mean, it seems like Lucasfilm is giving her better projects than Pixar did. And I wondered if she stays, is Pixar going to let her direct again? Probably not.

Gosh, I still haven’t even seen this film yet :blush: I think I’ll have to wait for it to come out on DVD.

I’ve loved reading everyone’s comments on the film though :slight_smile: It makes me even more excited to see it :mrgreen:

So, they just released it today and we watched it, a century after the rest of the world. Yai :neutral_face:

Just like Leirin, I absolutely hate [spoil]transformation plots[/spoil]. With all my might. I did know that the film would rely heavily on this, for months now, and my enthusiasm for it died right away.

Also like Leirin, I liked the first act better than the rest of the film, and I think the score is awesome, though I wasn’t much of a fan of the inclusion of songs, but even those weren’t horrible, luckily.

But for me, the stand out were the visuals. The environments were absolutely spectacular (that river!), and though I never lover the character design (except for Angus), the textures and motions are so beautiful, that I can forget all my prejudices.

For instance, I never shied away from being critic of Merida’s look since Pixar revealed her, but watching her in action on the film totally sold her to me. And her chibi form is absolutely cute 8D

I short, it’s not a bad film AT ALL, but it’s not a Pixar masterpiece in the storytelling departments, just the technical ones.

Anyway, I must admit that my main criticism of the picture is because of a personal pet peeve of mine, so other people should be fine with it.

I’m glad that you seemed to like it in general! It’s hard not to be tense on the first viewing of a new Pixar film, and when I saw it a second time, I like it a whole lot better, even the [spoil]whole transformation plot[/spoil].

I haven’t seen it yet. I’m wondering if I’ll ever get to! lol :confused:

Why? You were anticipating it!

Lots of tv spots are being shown over here,but they keep saying “from the creators of Toy Story 3 and Up”. I Don’t know why they don’t mention Cars 2!! :unamused: :stuck_out_tongue:

Most likely because it wasn’t as well received as TS3 and Up.

Well, our posters say “from the creators of WALL-E and Cars-2:slight_smile:

As for the movie itself, it was good in my opinion. It’s a pleasure to watch, and don’t get me started on the animation quality. However, the movie in whole lacked something. Maybe originality, unpredictability, tension or something else. I just didn’t watch it like TS3, Up and others, when I couldn’t tear my eyes away from screen. Also, I personally didn’t like the amount of slapstick. I mean, Pixar usually can manage with little of it or without it at all. Overall, I enjoyed the movie, but I was expecting more. Brave just didn’t have a certain spark for me.

I absolutely agree with your comments about the film. I thought it was a fantastic movie, but not Pixar-fantastic. There is just something missing specially on character development. I think one of the main problems about it is Merida’s lack of personality. Having a super cool hair doesn’t built a character, so does not being rebel without a clear purpose…

Well guys, Brave finally landed on Singapore’s shores last week, and last Saturday I went to see it at the same cinema that I saw Finding Nemo, the first Pixar film that I liked.

I’ll write a proper review when I consolidate my thoughts, but for now, let’s just say that there were some parts I liked, and some that I didn’t.

Is it the best movie of the year? Hmmm… I’ll get back to you on that. :wink:

I think Brave is now released in the UK where I live. I might consider getting a train into a Vue cinema in Middlebrook and seeing it.

In general, I do love Brave but I have difficulty adoring it like most of Pixar’s other movies, like it didn’t have the same effect on me, even if the effect regardless was positive. I like it quite a bit, I just don’t know that I’ll ever feel about it how I feel about the Toy Story movies, or Ratatouille, or WALL-E, or Up. And that is a bit of a shame, but I’m ok with it. And I’m sure with time and lots of rewatching, I’ll grow even more fond of it. :slight_smile:

I might get to see this again on Monday. :smiley:

Cool! I hope you get to :smiley: