Watching the movie, I did feel there was opportunity to explore these guys a little more, as we never quite know their backstories or the reasons for their dreams, so I’m waiting for Blu-Ray on more insight and writing a fanfiction on the origin of O.K. The antagonists of the film treat them as pathetic as expected in an underdog film, but once it gets to O.K., there’s so much emphasis on their likability. They start out inexperienced and unchallenged, but they are eager to learn, love their new teammates unconditionally, and by the end, they do learn to bring out the best in them.
They seem to be the frat that has a simple gimmick like ROR, which is elitism, or EHH, which is goth. O.K.'s gimmick seems to be about averageness or simplicity, but by the end, O.K. succeeds precisely because of their diversity.
Don Carlton- I have to wonder, do we usually see the mature-student trope in films these days? Guy who returns to college to study his old dreams? I am surrounded by mature students in my English program. His backstory is something curious to me personally because he is the founder of O.K. and a man who probably underwent personal struggles through all the many decades he lived.
Squishy Squibbles- this guy is ME. I was so quiet, and I knew people who were like this as well, that someones I unintentionally sneak up on people and freak them out. Honestly, this guy is my personal favorite, owing it to Peter Sohn’s performance.
Art- This guy is my best friend, who saw the movie with me. Oddball, delightfully weird, and yes, recorded her dream. I could joke about various things about his past all I want to.
Sherri Squibbles- um, browsing the Internet, is it Sherri with an “i,” or Sherry with a “y”? Cause I am reading different accounts on her name spelling. I wonder what’s her backstory as a single mom? What’s her career? Is she divorced and on alimony? Or was her son a product of her past relationships? And how did she come to agree on letting Carlton settle OK in her own house?
I also have curiosity on their future when the Monsters Industry turns to Laughter as an energy source.