

“You never forget kids like Emily, or Andy, but they forget you.” Said by Jessie in Toy Story 2

“Authority should derive from the consent of the governed, not from threat of force!” from Toy Story 3, said by the lovely Barbie

Woody: “IS everyone ok?”
Mr Potatohead: “Of course not you imbecile, we’re all doomed!”

“How about a Hamm sandwhich, with fries and a hot dog…you can be the toy that comes with the meal”

------doubt those are it, but they are my favs lol

LOL! The Barbie one is actually my second favorite line! So if no one gets the quote you will definately get her! Funny how I already may have a winner!

Also, I guess limiting to only 2 lines is a but crazy. I guess I’ll go for 5.

Based solely on my interpretation of hint number two:

“You can’t rush art.”


“He’s for display only, You handle him too much he’s not going to last.”

Edit: I just realized that hint two is not in fact a hint at all. It is a statement. Oh well.

In that case I say: “And this is the Buzz Lightyear aisle. Back in 1995, short-sighted retailers did not order enough dolls to meet demand.”


“Nirvana is coming. The mystic portal awaits.”

At least those are my favorite two.

So its 5 lines now? Ok, I can think of 3 now:

“Remain seated, please. Permanecen sentados, por favor.”

“Spare me your lies, temptress! Your emperor’s defeated, and I’m immune to your bewitching good looks”

“We’re either in a café in Paris or a coffee shop in New Jersey. I’m pretty sure I just came back from the doctor with life-changing news.”

Here are my five lines…

  1. YOU! ARE! A! TOYYYYY! You aren’t the real Buzz Lightyear! You’re - you’re an action figure!
    2)You uncultured swine! What’re you lookin’ at, ya hockey puck?
    3)I’m packing your extra pair of shoes, and your angry eyes just in case.
    4)C’mon. Let’s go see how much we’re going for on eBay
    5)reach for the sky!
  1. YOU! ARE! A! TOYYYYY! You aren’t the real Buzz Lightyear! You’re - you’re an action figure!
    2)You uncultured swine! What’re you lookin’ at, ya hockey puck?
    3)I’m packing your extra pair of shoes, and your angry eyes just in case.
    4)C’mon. Let’s go see how much we’re going for on eBay
    5)reach for the sky!
  1. C’mon. Let’s go see how much we’re going for on eBay.
  2. You are a toy!
  3. Hey look, I’m Picasso!
  4. The Lawn Gnome next door says it’s not in the yard, but he’ll keep looking.
  5. Pretty soon, you’ll be sitting around a campfire with Andy eating delicious hot schmoes!

so is the line limit up to 5 now?

“I am not a girl’s toy!” -Ken in Toy story 3
"You heard of Kung Fu? Well prepare yourself for pork chop. "-Hamm in Toy Story 2
"You’re my favorite deputy! " Woody - Toy Story 1
"No, Buzz. I am your father! Zurg - Toy Story 2
“The Claw!” Aliens toy story 1,3
“Use your head!” Buzz in Toy Story 2

  1. Sarge: Molly’s first present is… Mrs. Potato Head! Repeat, a Mrs. Potato Head!
    Hamm: Way to go, Ida-ho!
    Mr. Potato Head: Gee, I’d better shave! rips off moustache

  2. Buzz: One minute you’re defending the whole galaxy, and, suddenly, you find yourself sucking down darjeeling with Marie Antoinette… and her little sister.

  3. Bo Peep: What would you say if I get someone else to watch the sheep for me tonight?

  4. Bo Peep: “Merry Christmas, Sheriff.”
    Woody: “Say, isn’t that mistletoe?”
    Bo Peep: “Mm-hmm.”

  5. Lotso: F-A-Oh my Schwarz!

Just to clear things up. This is what I want:

Or these two (both if you want my Bo):

And sad to say no one has gotten it yet!

  1. “And the boy who wrote that would take you to camp with or without your hat” - Bo, TS2
  2. “Buzz–Buzz–Buzz Lightyear to the rescue!” Buzz being trashed by Zurg, TS2 Or if you prefer, Woody fighting Buzz, TS
  3. “I want to ride the pony!” Sid, dreaming, TS
  4. “Ages 3 and Up, it’s says so right on my box. I’m not supposed to be babysitting Princess Drool!” - Potato Head, TS
  5. “There’s a secret mission in uncharted space. Let’s Go!” - Buzz Lightyear voice chip while Hannah plays with Buzz and her decapitated dolls. -Omar

Bonnie- who wants lunch ( beep, boop, beep, boop) it has a secret ingredient… Jelly beans !

Use the wand of power!- aliens toy story 2

Woody: who’s velocistar 237?
Trixie: thats just a dinosaur down the street!
that’s nothing, let just take care of that. It’s just a dinosaur

Ken: love your leg warmers
Barbie: nice ascot!

I told you kids, stay outta my butt! - Mr potato head , Toy Story 3

Here are my other 3 quotes

“Woody, it’s nice… See, the door has a rainbow on it.”- Rex TS3

“There is no way out!..Just kidding, Door’s right over there.”- Buttercup

“I may not be a smart dog, but I know what roadkill is” - Slinky TS2