This film will eventually come out in the United Kingdom soon hopefully.
Has anyone seen it ans is it any good?
I think it looks brilliant but I am only watching because a certain actress is in it.
According to Google Movies, it’s 2.8 stars out of 5 to most people, and by watching the TV spots for it, it looks completely terrible. Disney has a bad habit of ruining big stars’ careers for stupid movies like these, but i won’t say too much until i’ve seen it.
If you’d like to see it, and you do, tell me how it was.
Well, I am not intrested in seeing it, but I have friends who love the people acting in it and can’t wait to see it.
I haven’t actually heard of it, but the title itself gives off a horrible impression. ‘College Road Trip’? Whut?
It’s not really known in the United Kingdom, i’ll watch it on the net or somewhere tomorrow and report back.
Well, I have seen this last weekend.
And it is very good and very funny, a great film, should see it and I will get this when it comes on DVD.
Ooh, you liked it? Cool then! I’ll ask my friends and I’ll see what they think