Complete Buzz Lightyear Toy Commercial

Can someone please upload the complete Buzz Lightyear toy commercial that is included on the 10th Anniversary DVD to YouTube? Thanks in advance.

I ripped it a while back with the intention of putting it up but never got around to it. Maybe I’ll upload it sometime soon. if I can find it again.

There are two versions outside of movie itself, one that plays on the menu screen inside the tv graphic (the 10th aniversery edition), the other fills the entire screen (ultimate toy box).

I hope it’s on the blu-ray!!

I have the Ultimate Toy Box version, though I don’t know how to rip the data from the disc.

I’ve always loved that commercial, just because it’s so 90’S EXTREME.


I found this video yesterday. I’m pretty sure this is what you were looking for.
[url]Buzz Lightyear Comercial - YouTube
The quality is terrible but it’s better than nothing.

I found this video its a remake of someones buzz comercial[url [Buzz Lightyear Commercial Re-made - YouTube](Buzz Lightyear Commercial Re-made - YouTube)