Create your own horrible Disney sequel

LOL. I’m probably one of the few people here who would get that Crystal Coconut reference.

The Black Cauldron 2

Eilonwy and Taran engage in bumbling quasi-courtship that deteriorates to petty bickering, but they nobly put their differences aside when it’s clear that Something Is Wrong With Gurgi. At first, Gurgi is more subdued and less annoying than usual. Gradually, Hen Wen starts to squeal more frequently and more loudly whenever Gurgi is near, but no one thinks to coax a vision from the clairvoyant pig. Eventually it becomes clear that Gurgi’s time in the Black Cauldron gave the Horned King (who was also in the Black Cauldron) an opportunity for some secret, impromptu demonic possession–so that when the witches revived Gurgi, they revived the Horned King’s nether-essence as well. A song from Fflewddur drives a distraught and weakened Gurgi over the edge, and the Horned King’s spirit seizes the opportunity and takes control of Gurgi’s earthly form. The Gurgi/Horned King summons Creeper, whose purpose in life is renewed by his reanimated master. Together, the villains plot a return to former glory as they destroy a thatched hut. A vision from Hen Wen reveals that the only way to defeat the Horned King is through love. Taran convinces Eilonwy that she must express great love for Gurgi so that his spirit will emerge and wrest control of his body from the Horned King once and for all. Eilonwy flirts with and kisses the Gurgi/Horned King, to the horror of Creeper. Gurgi’s personality rises to bond with Eilonwy, and his unquenchable affection purges the Horned King forever from his beastly body. Hen Wen chases Creeper into the forest. A fully restored Gurgi asks for another kiss from Eilonwy, but a jealous Taran intervenes. Fflewddur’s love song underscores a happy ending as Taran finally remembers to feed Hen Wen and Dallben returns from his errand in a neighboring village.

OMG, I caught the reference too! You are a clever lass, Badger. :wink: :laughing:

Oh well, makes me happy to know that some people got the reference! :smiley:

Cinderella 4: Where we rehash the old story and moral using Cinderella’s daughter and a kitchen boy rather than have any semblance of creativity.

That’s hilarious^^!

Brave 2: Afraid
Toy Story 4: Woody wants to play :smiling_imp:
Toy Story 5: Buzz becomes a vigilante to stop Woody
Toy Story 6: Woody takes over the world
Toy Story 7: This movie just has a big shootout with all the characters, its not canon since all the Toy Story characters besides Woody are dead, we are just making this movie for money, please see it in IMAX 3D so we get more money. (imagine the trailer guy saying all that!)
Cars 3: Cars Vs Bikes
The Incredibles 2: The Terribles
A Bugs Life 2: A Bugs Death

LOL. Why does this sound like something that could’ve been made…

Sleeping Beauty 2: Awakening Beauty

Let it Shine 2: Turn that light off!

John Carter 2: Escape to Jupiter

Toy story 4: Bonnie grows up

Home on the Range 2: Maggie becomes a Big Mac

Chicken Little 23: Eat Mor Chiken

Sleeping Beauty 2: Sleeping Ugly
Finding Nemo 2: Finding Dory
Treasure Planet 2: The Land Of Golden Money
Make Mine Music 2: Make Me Money
Cars 33-1/2: We Skipped The Last 31-1/2 Movies Hoping You Wouldn’t Notice
The Lion King 3: Scar Wars
The Lion King 4: Scar Trek
Hannah Montana 2: The Secret Of The Lip-synching Singer
The Many Adventures Of Winnie The Pooh 2: Featuring The Return Of Kessie, Gopher, and Lumpy!
The Jungle Book 3: King Louie Is Really Really Looney
Peter Pan 3: The Boy Who Would Never Grow Up Finally Grows Up
Pinocchio 2: I Wanna Be A Real Rock-Star

I see what you did there. LOL

The sad thing is, it’s inevitable that most of these story plots have already been covered in fanfiction…

The Peter Pan sequel would be pretty cool .

The Black Cauldron 3

But the Horned King wasn’t really forever purged from Gurgi after having possessed the hirsute man-beast with sneakings and creepings during their time together in the cauldron. Instead, the Horned King’s spirit has inhabited a gnarled oak deep within the forest. Creeper dwells there, having been chased by Hen Wen. Creeper is glad to be rid of the Horned King…or is he? At least the Horned King offered Creeper a sense of purpose in life. Creeper wistfully recalls his glory days as a Horned King toady. He mocks his former master by pulling two branches off a nearby tree, prancing about with the branches held on his head like two antlers. But unknown to Creeper, he has pulled branches off the very same tree inhabited by the spirit of the Horned King. Enraged at Creeper’s disrespect, HK revives himself by stealing Creeper’s lifeforce and becomes a living, moving tree-thing. The Horned King Tree makes his/its way to Dallben’s village, where wedding plans for Taran and Eilonwy are under way. Fflewddur is to be the best man, and he has developed a romantic relationship with the flirtiest witch of the three who control the cauldron…and the witch desperately wants to catch the bouquet. The witch also wants to give Taran and Eilonwy a talisman with which they will live a happy and lucky life. But the talisman was brewed in the cauldron. Emerging from the forest, the Horned King Tree recognizes the talsiman’s cauldronic properties and crashes the wedding before the vows are complete. The Horned King Tree hopes to use the talisman to fully restore himself and rise, RISE, RISE!! to evil glory once more. Taran and Eilonwy save the day when they use the talsiman to lure the Horned King Tree to a beaver pond. The Horned King Tree is last heard succumbing with gurglings and splashings as he/it becomes forever dammed by the beavers. Taran and Eilonwy get married and prepare to leave for their honeymoon. Gurgi is lonely at the prospect of “missing” his friends for a while, and he makes great snifflings and weepings…until Gurgette wanders out of the forest. Gurgi enthusiastically engages in flirtings and cooings as Gurgette bats her eyelashes. Gurgi winks at the camera as the scene fades to black. There will be no The Black Cauldron 4.

Wh-what. LOL

I feel bad about writing these since Pixar would never do these, but:

Brave and Braver (Merida brings the triplets on a really Brave new quest! Did I mention, really Brave?)
Monsters Daycare (uh, what?)

…Yeah. :x :shock:


Snow White and the Eight Dwarfs: Meet Lucky! :D
Pinocchio: Pinocchio Who? Pinocch-yo, come join us at the club @ Pleasure Island! ( 8D :x )
Dumbo and the Mumbo Jumbo!
Alice in Wonderland 2: Return to Reality (wait, why the Wonderland part again? :-\ )
The Aristocats II: The Aristocatastrophe! (a bit redundant, no?)
Rappin’ Robin in the Hood 3D (Pixar: Wait! You can’t do that! We made that up for one of our own short film characters! You…hey!)

;-p :oops:

EDIT: The only thing that would make them funnier is imagining the announcer guy’s voice saying the titles to these uh…movies!

Frozen 2Day

Wreck it Ralph 2: Rated M for Mouse

Treasure Planet 2 Da Academy

There is so much epicness in that title.

I was reading this article, and is basically mashups of Disney characters with horror movies. … ade-horror

My favorite is a sequel to Dumbo mixed with The Birds.

And I’m cracking up bc it sounds like something Disney would make. OK not with crows. But the whole cliche outsiders going to an isolated place and then overcoming obstacles sort of thing.

Beauty and the Beast Beast
Belle meets a new beast beast! He’s soooo cool…he wears sunglasses, he has ‘bling’, and he’s like, totally hip! Starring Tress MacNeill as Belle.

A Dog Has Something To Do With Christmas 28
This time, not even Frank Welker wanted to voice the dog.

A sequel starring Emile’s journey through the sewers accompanied by a talking apple core voiced by Maurice LaMarche.