Crowd Report!

A decent crowd at a 3/4th filled theater earlier today at 6:00PM. Where I originally sat down, I got sandwiched between two families, so I moved to the back. Ironically, the two families (to my knowledge) didn’t make a peep, while this one adult behind me kept laughing at every possible moment, even when there weren’t any jokes, and kept “whispering” to the people next to him “Ooh, this part is going to be good…” and “You’ll love this part…”

It really angers me when the adult is worse behaved than the kids. Of all the kids in the theater (about 50% of the people), not one made a sound ([spoil]at least not until one toddler cried when Wall-E couldn’t remember EVE[/spoil]).

That stupid adult behind me even laughed harder than any point in the movie during the Beverly Hills Chihuahua trailer…

So much crowds, the owner decided to delay the film 18 minutes. That didn’t help my WALL•E fever one bit.

Durring the previews of WALL-E, there was this projection that said “Silence your Cell Phones” showing on the screen while the previews were playing. It took until before Presto before everything got fixed.

I actually had a nightmare about that happening, but for the delay to last hours on end. :open_mouth:

Park Place Stadium 16, theater 10 – (largest in the building, WOOT!) 11:45 AM, June 27th showing.

The theater was packed with… I’d say at least 300 people. PPS usually starts the previews at the time the movie is supposed to start, but this time they started them ten or fifteen minutes early, so I walked in just in time to see Presto. phew

About thirty or forty people began singing along to “Put On Your Sunday Clothes” in the begining of the film… it was a big ol’ happy sing-a-long. XD

The film got great reactions from the audience… up until the part where we get to the Axiom. sigh I could tell some people were upset about seeing the way us humans were portrayed in the movie, I saw about four families leave early. :frowning: Sensitive, much? Oh well, their loss.
Everyone who DID stick around and gave the movie a chance seemed to be happy walking out, which was good to see. :slight_smile: No one (but me and my crew) applauded at the end though, like they did in Ratatouille…which had a very tiny audience compared to this one… shrugs

I went Saturday, and was kind of disappointed that there wasn’t very many people in the theater. We went to a 9:00pm showing, which probably had something to do with it. However, because it was later, there weren’t a whole lot of kids, mostly teens and adults. The few kids that were there were pretty quiet (but with the occasional “What’s Wall-e doing, mommy?”, of course). However, considering that there were probably under 2 dozen people there, it was one of the best crowd reactions I’ve seen for a while. There was a lot of laughter all throughout, and almost everyone seemed to leave grinning (with the exception of the other people in my group who didn’t like it).

I’ve never been in a movie theater when the crowd starts applauding, and every year when I go to a Pixar film I hope that this will be the year. Unfortunately, no such luck this time around, either. But honestly, I was so enveloped in the movie I might not have noticed if they had (I know there was a lot of laughter, but I only heard it subconsciously).

Ah, well…maybe they’ll clap for Up! :smiley:

I kid you not, the same exact thing happened at the theater I went to!

The crowd I was with was really well behaved,considering the theater was full until the two front rows. About 2 dozen people stayed for the end credits.

I get to see it again on Friday, my first ever theater repeat of a movie!

[spoil]I LOVED the BnL card at the very end. Awesome touch.[/spoil]

I went on Friday and the thing that surprised me was how many young adults where there. When I went to see Ratatouille the entire crowd was small children.

I had the same thing happen to me when I went to see the Pirates Who Don’t Do Anything. But thy didn’t fix it till after the film started. -_-;

Anyways, the amount of teens does not surprise me at all. It’s a romance. Good date film.

It’s fun to read all these crowd reports; a lot of us had similar experiences.

For instance, why does WALL-E have so many amatuer projectionists? Our screen was slanted the whole time (fortunately that was lost in all those sweeping panoramas).

Kid factor: 1/2 ratio, smallish theater, 120 people, but unusually silent during the screening. Oh… except for the crying baby at the end scene. A cell phone went off when [spoil]WALL-E didn’t recognize Eve.[/spoil] – there was an audible moan from the audience!

What are you talking about? I’d never been to a theater with an applause until my brother and I went on a mission to start them! We waited a beat when the movie ended, started an applause, and because it was such a great movie they caught on instantly. This little kid tried to carry it over for another two minutes. lol! :slight_smile: I think we all heard the kids going “WaaAAaLEE” interspersed throughout.


Hehe, maybe we should make an “undercover applause starters” club here on Pixar Planet. XD

Ugh, of all times for a cell phone to go off! D:< That stinks.

We got a lot of reaction in our group. The clapping, like I said before. Lots of audible laughter in several places. Some of the moments I can remember the most laughing for was when [spoil]the opening music played, the ribix cube bit, and anything involving M-O. Oh, and the 2001 joke with the music.[/spoil] Also, when [spoil]WALL-E was getting crushed by the holo detector, I seem to recall some moaning/gasping/freaking out. [/spoil]

There was only about ten other people there aside from my family (mind, I went to see it at 11 am. :stuck_out_tongue:) But still, there was one kid who had to be at least 15 years old who kept repeating whatever they said on screen. Luckily the sound blocked him out most of the time. He must’ve had serious mental problems though. It wasn’t too bad. :wink: Could’ve been much much worse.

Oh yeah, I’m in baby! That goes for the 80% guest viewership of PP too – don’t shirk the applause!


I watched it twice. Both times none of the kids were getting restless like the movie critics predicted, they were all enchanted by the film. Adults were laughing just as much as kids during the funny scenes. There were some annoyances, notable the people sitting directly in front of me who kept getting up then returning to their seats every ten minutes (why even pay for the movie if you’re going to miss so much of it?). About half the audience stayed through the first half of the end credits.

Well, I saw it last Friday, first day, on the very first showing. It was in a very large theatre it didn’t fill. But most people would be working at that time of day I guess. Quite a few people with kids, older people too. Like us teenagers and such. My friend and i sat near the back and there was this very annoying kid behind us, who WAS old enough to know better then to talk the entire movie, but would comment very loudly on majority of the movie. Other then that, it was a good experience. The audience loved it. XD Everyone laughed. Alot. Oh, and at that part where WALL-E saves the plant from the garbage chute, this little girl in the front of the theatre shouted, “WALL-E!” in the cutest voice, which made everyone laugh. It was adorable.[/spoil]

I don’t know why, but it seems everytime I go to the theaters there is someone behind me commenting about every line said in the film. Gets very annoying. :angry:

How did I miss this thread? Dx I hope it’s okay that I’m posting in this kind of late, I know some forums have a rule about that…

Anyways, I went on June 28th at a 10:15 showing. (I WOULD have gone to the midnight showing, but I there’s that tiny problem of me being only 15 and not being able to drive a car, so I have to rely on my dad)

The theatre I’d say was about a 3rd of the way full, and suprisingly, there was only two kids in there. The audience was full of older teenagers, twenty-somethings, and people my dad’s age. So basically, most likely a bunch of animation geeks. (Like me!)

The picture quality was perfect, as usual. I love Harkins Theater’s. xP

My dad and I came in probably a few minutes after the previews started, not that it really mattered to me, since nothing interesting was really being advertised. (No Up trailer! ;( ) The audience seemed bored through most of them, too. I loved the awkward silence that came after the Beverly Hills Chihauha trailer. xD

Then Presto started, and everyone started DYING of laughter. Everyone pretty much just laughed through the whole thing. It was great. My dad and I both agreed afterwards that it was our new favorite Pixar short.

Then of course WALL-E started, and I heard a few giggles when “Put on Your Sunday Clothes” first came on. I still can’t really figure out why. ^^;

We had a very nice audience though. Everyone laughed during the funny parts. The [spoil] singing bass[/spoil] actually got the biggest laugh, I think. And also [spoil] WALL-E and M-O’s dirt war xD. [/spoil] We just had a very giggly audience in general, and everyone was well behaved, and seemed to be enjoying themselves from what I could tell. There were some teenage boys sitting kind of behind me that were whispering just loud enough that I could hear them, and their comments kept making me giggle. (“Torch it, WALL-E…!” :unamused: ) I don’t think they were making fun of the film, just being silly.

There was also one little girl who shouted a few times, but not enough to be a bother. I think she was just enjoying herself.

My favorite reaction was the VERY sad scene were WALL-E doesn’t remember EVE in the ending. Like I said, the audience had been very giggly the whole time untill everyone realized WALL-E wasn’t acting like himself…then everyone went DEAD silent. You could have heard a pin drop in that theater. I think I heard a few sniffles here and there too, but I was too choked up myself to really notice. Then he said “Evaah…?” and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Then the screen went black, and everyone kind of sat there in silence, presumably taking it all in. There was no applause though, sadly. One guy did stand up and say “Whoo!”, and then one of the teenage boys went “WHOO!” I kind of clapped my hands lightly. Thinking back on it, I REALLY should have started clapping, but I was too shy.

I was so tired though, I didn’t stay to watch the credits. I’m still kicking myself. Dx

So, yeah, we had a very nice, positive audience, who I THINK really liked the movie. I like to think I was the biggest fan out of them all, though. xP My dad and I talked about the movie the whole way home, and when we got there, my dad started talking to my mom about how cute and well-made he thought it was. I was VERY happy when I went to bed that night.

If I like next year’s Up as much as I liked this, I’ll make SURE I start an applause. xP

To be honest, this is one of the few movies in history that both kids and adults can watch together and enjoy it without being bored. It truly a work of art.

I agree, although I think you could say that about quite a few Pixar films. My dad and I both agree that they remind us of Disney’s “golden years”, when they pumped out films that anyone of all ages could enjoy. He says he loves that they don’t dumb down the story for kids. They just truly are geniuses. xP

The crowd I was with was awesome. No one really clapped at the end (people don’t really do that anymore) but they definitely laughed at the funny parts, were silent during the intense moments, overall awesome crowd. Hey-awesome movie-awesome crowd!