Current Mood

Wanna talk about it? Vent a little?

Current Mood: Excited!

Reason: I’ve finally learned to use some basic verbs in my Japanese class today. And I was also able to make up random sentences with them too:

[b][size=200]1. ランドールさんはカップケーキをたべます〪

  1. マイクさんはざっしをよみません〪[/size][/b]

Nice! You know japanese? So cool. I have a twin and a cousin who is taking japanese as well.

Current mood: Bored

Reason: Too many titles to choose from, yet so little time. (I really need to get back to reading…)


Mood: hungry

I could really go for a cheesesteak right now.


Mod: happy

reason. my twin bro and I saw the trailer for BH6 again, and we’ve really connected with it. I found another thing my twin and I could liove together. can’t wait for the movie.

Excited as well as confused because apparently both Inside Out and The Good Dinosaur are releasing next year!?

Mood: awake, but meh

Having a full day of work, but hopefully, it’ll be better than yesterday.

Current mood: Mixed emotions

Reason: It’s snowing outside right now, but it’s not even winter yet!

Moos: idk about my mood but I feel terrible physically. I think I have the flu.

Current mood: Mixed emotions

Reason: Mom just made me a strawberry-kiwi smoothie :D …and now she tells me to think twice about my decision for going up north with her today. :-\

Mood: Sad

Reason: Everyone seems to have disappeared again, and I know it’s been quiet here lately anyway, but literally no one is posting at all now (compared to a couple weeks ago) :frowning: You see my name at the end of a lot of threads so I feel as if I’m somewhat being a nuisance because I’m here often, but it’s just an attempt at reviving them in the hope that someone will also post in there! I know school/ college has started again for most people (and it will do for me in 2 weeks) but I hope that with The Good Dinosaur release coming up they’ll be some life around here :nerd:

I feel the same way. We all grow up, we all have lives, school, work that take priority in life.

TSS I know, and I probably won’t be around as much soon either :frowning:

But, my mood today has brightened a little, as I’m now £20 richer after winning a small game of bingo last night, plus my manager has told me that I’ve got today off work :smiley: This makes me extremely happy because I’m getting really fed up with my job 8D

Current mood: Once again, I’ve got mixed emotions.

Reason(s): My mom is looking for a new car, but she can’t find good deals anywhere. But I’m glad her summer vacation started. Not only do I plan on seeing “Finding Dory” at the theaters during opening weekend, but I will also be going later this summer to Philadelphia for the Science Behind Pixar thing. Oh, and somehow I’ve been quite interested in 3D printing as of late…

I’m jealous! :open_mouth: Wish I was going, too bad I live 3000 miles away :frowning:

Anyway, I feel kinda ugh. Allergies, I have not missed you one bit achoo

That’s because, according to your location field, you live all the way across the ocean! But I’m afraid this event I’m referring to is a U.S.-only thing right now… (and I’m only an 8-hour drive away from where I’m going, no less)


My mood is a mixed bag right now.

For those unaware, yesterday the UK voted to leave the European Union, which has created a lot of shock and uncertainty about the country’s (and my generation more importantly) future. We were outvoted by the older generation (who were pro-leave) and it’s peeved me off because it’s our generation that will have to deal with the consequences for the next 60 years. So I’m feeling disappointed, worried and vulnerable right now. As if I’m already going through a big enough change in my life with finishing education and going into the working world, and the stress of looking for jobs and interviews. All this uncertainty is making me anxious :confused:

My face shows it too, and without going into gross details, I’m getting spottier and greasier than normal, and my lips are extremely sore, tingly and feel infected, even though I haven’t eaten anything or done anything out of the ordinary. I think my hayfever allergies could partially be to blame. I have got treatment for my lips now so I hope it clears up soon, but I daren’t even drink or eat properly at the minute because of it, and this on top of all the stress is making me feel icky.

Current mood: Over-excited, proud of myself…maybe a little blushed

Reason: I got to go to the Science Behind Pixar thing over at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia today…and while I was there, I (literally) found myself hugging a life-size WALL-E on display. <3