That would be the mine shaft used for the Delinquent Road Hazards race, right? I love when you take stuff from the video game like that. I think you did that with a scene behind the waterfall a while back, too. Either that or it was x3haijessiex3.
Hehe, well, maybe.
P.S.- I almost wrote “Delinquent Toad Hazards” up there!
You totally should, and since reading your fanfic, my opinion of some of the characters have changed like i like McQueen more thn i did before and the same with Finn.
Really? That’s awesome! I know with all the Finn and Holley stories that have came out more people are beginning to like them as a pairing too. And yup, I’m going to try to get a start on a sequel when I can!
Hey, I just wanted to let you know that I am in LOVE with your fanfics, mainly Dangerous Keepings and Personal Affairs, and though i JUST read both of them, I can’t wait for more, and it’s good to know I am not the only person obsessed with Cars!!!
Thank you so much! I really appreciate hearing that you enjoy them. Just so you know, I don’t post all of my work on here anymore so if you visit you can find me on there to keep up with my latest if you’re curious. Thanks again!