I always thought of them as walking Homer Simpson heads!
I love the title, it’s so misleading. I mean, yes, he is pretty mean in the beginning, but his acts are hardly criminal (no one’s gonna miss the [spoil]little Statue of Liberty in Las Vegas[/spoil]. And who hasn’t entertained the thought of cutting the queue at Starbucks?
The thing I don’t understand is what happened to his neighbour’s dog. Did he really kill it, or did he turn it into that weird franken-dog he has with the big teeth? ;
I saw the movie for a third time today on Netflix rental, I think I like it even more now. I was kind of squirming around the last time I watched it (maybe because I was in a big group), but being able to watch it in quiet let me appreciate all the little details.
Just saw this movie today for the first time! (Got it on DVD). Very touching with some pretty funny moments. I would definitly recommend this to a friend.
I finally watched Despicable me a few days ago and I think it was really good. The minions were cute and there were some funny scenes. It was a good movie My little sister loves it, it’s the only thing she watches Lol
Seen this film yesterday and it was awesome! Ha, I had thought it would’ve been another comedy flick judging from the trailers until you guys told me otherwise!
Really funny movie with some pleasantly surprising touching moments. Good voice-acting too, I didn’t even recognize Steve Carell most of the time! The minions were hilarious too.
Very well-made film, I wish there were more like it!
Strangely this brought me closer to tears than HTTYD and TS3 did. I think it was the moment that Gru was balanced on the tightrope 50,000 ft in the air and reaching out to catch Margo from Vector’s aircraft, and he tells her “I will catch you, and I won’t ever let you go again,” that I started getting misty-eyed.