Destroy the picture above you

lololz! That made my day.

Are we stuck? 8D

I would like to know how Just for Men destroys Matt Groening…

Same here.

Okay, that hair dye thing really made no sense. However, I will destroy the hair dye anyway!!

This guy doesn’t buy it!

Baldness defeated Samson.

I was referring to his gray hair. I thought that was gray hair treatment not dye, sorry. I stink at this :blush:

Spirit, you backwardsed the game. 8D

Unlike Sampson and many other biblical “heroes”, Moses was a real man, untempted by sin.

I just realized I back warded the game. Sorry.

But, actually, Moses was tempted by sin more than once.

In fact, I’ll use one of those instances to defeat him.

The water from the rock episode meant Moses destruction.

Sadly, I’m not familiar with that story. :frowning: I stink!!

The water falls into a pool.

The drain empties the pool.

A giant cork can stop the drainage.

Easy. Corkscrew.

But a machine to open wine bottles for you is so much easier.

In that case, a butler is even more useful, and can do a lot of things for you.

THe butler is useful unless he dun it… :open_mouth:

The butler bribes the cops.

Love defeats money.

These kind of heart actually do exist. And they’re what keep people alive.

Heart attacks…