Destroy the picture above you


Machine won’t work unless there’s power. And no electricity during a blackout.

I also used the blackout card once 8D

Pikachu will provide electricity when that happens.

Pokemon Masters will catch Pikachu before he can power up the city.

Pikachu is captured, but hundreds of other Pokémon are invented every few years 8D

They are going to run out of ideas sooner or later if this does not show they are running out of ideas i do not know what does…

The Toy Story Mr.Potato Head was created before that Pokémon Potato Head.

I frighten Mr. Potato Head away with french fris!

…which Mr. Incredible later eats

This one will annoy him to death.

In some other reality, Buddy never becomes Syndrome because he wants to be Freakazoid’s sidekick instead.

Th Lobe will defeat him.

Krang annihilates The Lobe.

My logo destroys him.

No offense but your Ferrari sig is better IMO

I said it cause Krang is a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles villain, so my logo can defeat him.

I know but your old logo defeats your new one (IMO)
See told you I stink at this :blush:

Don’t worry, I’ll defeat my other logo.

If Photoshop didn’t exist, I would never be able to make logos.

I defeat your computer program with a computer virus

Avast, me maties! Let’s pillage duh blunes over yonder virus hill!