Destroy the picture above you

And the Pope ordered all gargoyles destroyed…

:frowning: And I thought the Pope was mean before you said that…

Satan tackled the Pope.

Luckily, there was an exorcist nearby


He got distracted by the cookies, and forgot to eliminate the Satan problem. :stuck_out_tongue:

I think this takes care of that

And he ate them all

Whoa. Thats alot of overkill for a can opener 8D

Haha! thwwhitedfrozone and I posted the Muppet at the same time! And the same pic too!

For the cookie monster(s)

No children’s cartoon character can stand up to the awesome might of concerned parents.

Sadly, concerned parents are most times defeated by their stubborn children.

Children are defeated by Disney.

Jeffrey Katzenberg buys Disney and destroys it.

I just died on the inside.

J Katz is unable to beat TS3’s box office record.

Oh no, not the incinerator!

Oh, look what an enormous mass of H2O!!

I had a good one but wasn’t quick enough. Oh, well.

Um… the sun dried out the water?

But the Sun evaporated it all

Edit: Can’t believe it. Someone posted the exact same thing as me again and beat me to it. and I almost used that image!

The moon is much less volatile then the sun.

Neil Armstrong conquered the moon.