Destroy the picture above you


But his son has to come and save his butt in Return of the Jedi. Owned!

Mara Jade grounds Luke in the house for not doing the chores.

I am not going to post a pic right now since I am lazy 8D but he actually has to save his son from getting fried by the Emperor. O.W.N.E.D!

My way of defeating Luke just became null i hate when i post at the same time as someone else! 8D But he was faster destroy him!

Luke will be saved by Rubber!

They blend the rubbers and create a bouncy rubber ball. Yay!

He cuts up all the rubberbands

Vincent Price ends the fabrication of his creature and gives him hands instead of scissors.

The person above me’s image has been destroyed by copyright 8D

We overcome the copyrights using a bribe.

and we overcome having to bribe people by pushing them off of a roof… At least thats how they do it in New York 8D

The Hulk can withstand the fall from the roof.

A little anger management should do the trick.

Actual dummies can’t read that.

Poor dummy has no purpose, so I’ll give him one. BUt it’s gonna cost him… much.

Toyota’s will save a lot of dummies’ lives!

This can’t save the Toyota though.

I destroy the computer that created that virtual satchel charge.

I read there you destroyed it with a virus, so…

Cnet can ‘always be trusted’! (sarcastic nudge)