Destroy the picture above you

Alexa Internet doesn’t rank cnet too high.

Spirit what is your new avatar and sig i know i have seen that logo some where before…

It’s from Mad Magazine.

Here’s my Graphics board:

Thats exactly where I remember it from thanks. :smiley:

This conversation is over come with forum confusion(wrong thread)

Princess Virginia points us the mistake and gets us out of our confusion.

8D That was pretty cool.

Virginia is over come by her fatal flaw: obsessing and being overly sensitive with her obsessions.

We give Virginia sleeping pills and she can’t do anything about her obsessions, except dream.

too bad you accidentally gave her laxatives!

^8D Like in the Iron Giant!!

Cheese soothes diarrhea!

The mouse eats the cheese.

Aw, how cute!! <3

A bear steps on it and it breaks.

He’s smarter than the average bear.

They make a CGI movie about him and it flops.

Another 2010 movie that…well, didn’t exactly flop.

Has 1% more in Rotten Tomatoes.

I actually agree with Rotten Tomatoes, then. Toy Story 2 will always own me.

Guess who has more money?

I’ll cheat, as TS3 made more than Nemo.

And the 1% of difference if just because of Armond White and another guy. If not for them, every movie in the trilogy would have 100%.

Still, it’s the best reviewed trilogy on the site: 100%, 100%, 99% (just for a couple of unprofessional reviews)

And the toys get trashed.