Stars die over time. So will the Sun.
Stars die over time. So will the Sun.
All black holes will eventually evaporate away.
In order to survive, they need to continually eat matter. The distance between galaxies and the continued expansion of the universe will ensure that all black holes will eventually run out of fuel and slowly evaporate away by Hawking radiation.
Continued expansion No No No No No. It wont al ways expand. It will one day collapse. Are you calling Newton a liar?
The feature movies haven’t made them a lot of good.
It got a rotten rating on RT.
Rats eat rotten.
Remy would never be caught eating trash like Emile would.
Skinner catches The Rat.
Where’d Linguini go???
A faster character wold have seen where in time.
Why run fast when you can simply Apparate?
Hermione will fix it!
The dragon weakness are its eyes. Poke them!