Destroy the picture above you

Why poke them when you can train them?

You can’t train them all.

But Toothless sure could kill him.

Lighting rod.

“You don’t wanna get struck by lightning!”

Luckily, your past self can repair the car and send your partner to rescue you.

Im more like them not sure what your talking about

Sorry, can’t see your image.

Sorry about that its the three stoges

The Marx Brothers were better comedians.

Nah The Monkeys could sing too.

I’m getting truly confused by your posts lately 8D

The Marx Brothers weren’t singers.

The monkeys were performers too…
Then this should be more confussing

[size=200]I LIVE ON MARS[/size]

Earth is more apt to live:

The mars rove is built to work even in unstable conditions.

An asteroid crashes on him.

I cant see the picture but I can read…

A replacement picture that hopefully you can see.

I see it!

And if its small enough it will burn up befor it hit him.

That is less likely to happen if the planet has not atmosphere.