Destroy the picture above you

What would happen if the planet exploded?

All planets explode eventually, but it takes too long. You can trust in a Death Star to speed the process.

Well afer that happens you can use your sixth sense to talk to the dead people.

Almost everyone got that movie spoiled.

[spoil]Bruce Willis’ character is dead.[/spoil]

Im sorry.

Trap for the rodent.

You can break the trap, but not the venom.

Master Splinter is smarter then the average Rat and will not take the poison.

But he’s only one, and the turtles are four, so probably they would defeat him in a fight.

Shredder will destroy those meddlesome turtles!

Darth Vader’s helmet is more iconic and he can shred the Shredder with his lightsaber.

Nobody can survive an active volcano!

Even volcanoes eventually die.

Volcanos never die, they only go dormant/sleep.

The Edinburgh Castle, for instance, doesn’t agree with you. It was constructed above a volcano that hasn’t become dormant, but extinct, cause it has run out of lava supply.

All castles must get destroyed by an dragon eventually!

The dragon falls under Donkey’s charms.

By the third awful movie, the Donkey and all his friends get really annoying.

So thats why puss gets his own movie.