Destroy the picture above you

As awesome as that movie can apparently be, it will be very difficult that it beats Dreamwork’s masterpiece, How to Train Your Dragon.

I thought Over the Hedge was better.


Reviewers didn’t think that.

Didn’t get that one. Sorry, it’s probably too late and I’m tired 8D

This shall help guide the way.

We can use a magnet to confuse the compass.

I’ll break that magnet.

let’s melt that glue apart!

Fireproof suit

This kind of suit is a lot cooler however!

No matter how cool a suit is, all clothes are disposable.

time to get my clothes back here!

Donations can some time run away.

unless I dismember them!

This truck kidnaps doll parts.

That is until a police car pulls the truck over for speeding.

The Terminator killed the original cops.

The Terminator shall see his end by Skynet!