Destroy the picture above you

Monkey meat

Not as appreciated as the chilled monkey brains.

Lobotomites don’t need brains!

The first three leters of that name are the first three letters as lobster.
Lobster eats him.

I EAT LOBSTER!!! (no image available, identity reasons)

There’s always a bigger fish in the food chain. And he’ll eat you.

man will unite to destroy the creature (couldn’t find a suitable picture)

This is becoming the “Destroy the sentence above you” game! 8D

Women unite to destroy men.

Unless we repealed the 18th amendment!

The amendment is from the USA. It won’t work in the rest of the world.

most women from the rest of the world had just as much inequality as the women in US during that time.

While there are still some instances of inequality, luckily we’re not in that time anymore.

Robespierre uses his Reign of Terror to change the normal schedule of calendars! (true story)

At least he was from the XVIII century.

This ***** lives in present day and uses his very Reign of Terror to change the Time Zone!

ah man, i forgot to put the image up, and i was going to too!

this reign of terror guy runs out of time to stop time zones since there isn’t one!

That will surely create a paradox which will destroy everything.

the statement is a lie, and pinocchio’s nose grows.

Chain saw!
I cunt his nose off!

Leatherface is the master of the chainsaw!

time to spray that chainsaw with plenty of oxygen!