Destroy the picture above you


He beats lightening

Not to butt in the game, but did you intend to say ‘cute little kitty cat’ or is that censorship? 8D

Francesco beats the King!

the Thrust SSC beats everything on ground, at an astonishing 763 miles per hour!

A car crusher beats them all, anyway.

Dude, kind of random, but I had a dream that someof the Cars characters were about to be crushed by a crusher.

That was probably inspired by poor [spoil]Leland Turbo[/spoil].

Rainbow Dash isn’t a car and has reached Mach 1 twice before!

When it comes to winged horses (is he really a car?), I’m sure the thestrals beat them all.

***, I meant to say ISN’T A CAR.

Good thing the Elements of Harmony can forget all things horrible about the past, specifically speaking realizing the death’s of loved ones.

If you don’t see anyone dying, they’ll become invisible to you, but they’ll still be there.

Resurrection Stone!

Cause Death is cunning, the Resurrection Stone isn’t that effective after all. It doesn’t really restore life, just summons the spirits of the dead, and they disappear the moment you release the stone.

Im not really sure what happened there.

If death is so cunning why dont you kill death its self?

Death can always cheat himself, especially the norman mcdonald version.

Death can be defeated over a chess game.

Unless Death has Deep Blue to play all the plays for him!

IBM dismantled Deep Blue.

Im not sure how to destroy that so heres the start button if anyone wants to start over