Destroy the picture above you

Old age causes Palpatine to eventually go to a home where they take away his lightsaber and he starts to eat oatmeal daily if that does not break an all powerful sith lord i dont know what does. :laughing:

Frozen people can’t age.

Lava destroyer of old men and people frozen in carbonite!

Mustafar buildings are impervious to lava.

Anakin and Obi-wan destroy alot of stuff on mustafar during there battle

Dooku overpowered them both once.

Anakin then cuts off his head

But of course Obi-Wan is able to defeat him afterwards.

Lucas never writes Star Wars meaning Obi-Wan never existed

Old age will defeat George Lucas

The Goddess of Youth, Hebe, makes George young again!

But Aphrodite is much more beautiful and shrewd than Hebe.

Nudity censorships don’t let you see that picture.

*I didn’t see that dirty part before :open_mouth: * :blush: :blush: :blush: Sorry!

All censorships allow Pixar movies

But Pixar has yet to win a Best Picture award.

This movie got more Oscars then Slumdog Millionaire.

Would you all believe me if I told you I know some people that slept through this movie.

WHAT??? Why would they sleep through it? :frowning: :`-(

Lame sleepy people are woken up by cold water!!

Water is no match for an electric type pokemon like Raichu.

Pokémon masters rule the Pokémon.