Destroy the picture above you

Team Rocket are out to steal Pokémon.

And we beat team rocket in our DS.

DSi is more recent than DS.

I can stomp on that thing with my foot.

But is your foot strong enough to break the original Game Boy?

They are

Toy Story 3 is the best selling animated movie of all time, topping TI.

Best selling movie period, beating TS3.

Avvatar wasn’t able to beat this movie for best picture.

These lockers are not hurting

These lockers get slammed by students every school day.

Less than 1% of those students will ever see as much money as this guy has in their entire life.

And one doesnt’ need money to find true

Nothing would wage war on true happiness. Except…

Dare I say more? :wink:

8D That’s the same image I’ve used twice! I just got served.

…or did I?

Poor atheists will be brainwashed into thinking they shall believe in something:


HELLFIRE!!! :smiling_imp: The book is thrown into Hell.

Spirit, what do you mean? Sorry, I’m just confuzzled.

Robots have no braid, so brainwash is useless.