Do you think dash is jealous of violet?

There you go. Invisibility isn’t a weak power. I’m sure someone as intelligent as Violet can utilize it for maximum potential.

Cartman oncr thought he vould turn invisible.

oh the episode with the ninja weapons huh?


Oh dude, I love that episode.

Yean, oen of my favorites.

Yes, that is a perfect example!

You have a point. I know what you mean that she will get stronger everyday but he won’t.

I have always thought that his powers suited his personality, while her powers suited her, so I don’t think he’d be jealous.


I also agree with Pixarmilan that his powers are suited for him and her powers are suited for her.

Like me? I’m quite shy around girls (well at least when trying to ask them out), does this mean I can turn invisible like Violet or run away at super speed like Dash? Nope (although I wish I could.)