Doctor Legua's animations

I just couldn’t resist making a thread about this. I recently came across this fan-made animation of Mickey Mouse. I watched it, and literally couldn’t stop laughing. It was so bad that I felt I had to do more research about the person who made it. As it seems, the original creator known as “Doctor Legua” must have closed his Youtube account, but his videos were re-uploaded by others. I thought I’d just share some of his videos with you.

Mickey Mouse:

Donald Duck Sings Hound Dog: … re=channel

Bugs Bunny Christmas: … re=channel

Luciano Pavarotti: … re=channel

As funny as I find these videos, I would like to note that I’m not trying to offend him in any way. As bad as they may seem. At least he made an effort. I just think he used the wrong program to make them. They were made with iClone, but that’s more for machinima than 3D animation. The reason I made this thread was due to the fact that his videos have gained a small cult following on the internet.

Anyway, your thoughts?

Those are scary. :open_mouth: I’m scarred now…