Ever changed your mind about a Pixar film?

Well it is all subjective, not everyone is going to like any film or…anything for that matter, but I have to admit the complaint that it’s cleaning up earth for 3 hours is a bit silly and even off the mark.

Yeah, I agree with that. You can complain as much as you want, but don’t be an Armond White. Complain intellegently. :smiley:

Really? My dad likes all Pixar movies including WALL-E but he did call EVE a beezy (only in a more rude term!)

Well, EVE is really mean to her admirer until it’s almost too late(that happens a lot in Pixar…)!

lol, that’s why he called her a b*tch! He he was kidding.

I must not have caught that ellie-jessie-eve, but maybe I will the next time I watch it… :open_mouth:

Sarcasm. :stuck_out_tongue:

When I was little, I was scared to death of Monsters Inc. But now I LOVE it!

Aaaw! I remember when I saw MI in theaters, and when Sully comes into Boo’s room at the end and the whole theater said, “aaaw!” I don’t remember being scared of it, just the part where Sully scares Boo made me kinda scared. Not terrified, though.

Two Pixar films in particular I have changed opinion of,but I already liked both of the films,but I like them more now.

First,A Bug’s Life. This used to be my least favorite Pixar film,but after rewatching it about two years ago,I realizied it was a better film than I remembered.It succeeds at mostly it sets ot to do,and I have always loved Heimlich and Francis.It is still near the bottom of my Pixar film ranking,but I love it now more than I did previously.

And then,The Incredibles.When I saw this for the first time,I thought Frozone could have been it more,and the characters could have been more endearing.But as I got older,I think the charcaters are among Pixar’s best,and Frozone is in the film when he needs to be.If anything,now that I am much older,and my love for my family has grown,I love it more than ever.

I’ll admit that back in 2007, after I had enjoyed Ratatouille, I was very eager in awaiting the announcement PIXAR’s next film. Because of IMDB, I had believed to be Toy Story 3, the one film I had been waiting my entire life to see. And then they finally give us some teaser of a sickeningly cute robot film. Who falls in love. What. Needless to say, I wasn’t just disappointed, I was devastated. PIXAR giving stooping so low as commercialized cuteness?! And I thought they had standards! Not to mention that his voice sounded like 1,000 GameBoys being burned alive. So for the longest time I kept referring to it as “WAIL-E: Pixar’s Worst Feature” and even planned on how I would boycott the film, despite my friend’s constant efforts of telling me otherwise.

And then the third and final trailer debuts in January 2008. Dang it PIXAR, now I not only have to change my entire outlook on the film, plan a future even to see this on opening day, as well as eagerly draw blueprints just to keep myself satisfied until this awesome film finally get released. Ever since then WALL·E has been my other top favorite PIXAR film.

I’ve mentioned this before, but before Cars, I used to despise Pixar because I saw them as the death of traditional animation. Cars was the beginning of my love affair for the studio because the film was like a dream come true for me (and its sequel Cars 2 is like a bigger piece of awesome cake because they’ve now thrown my favourite film genre into the mix).

After falling in love with Cars, I reexamined all their previous films and came to view them in a new light. Until recently, I had full confidence in their ability and talent.

What I’m going to say next may sound a little contrarian, but I’ll be honest about it. Toy Story 3 has been my first disappointment with Pixar since Cars. Don’t get me wrong, I love it, and it’s a wonderful film, much better than any live-action this year. It’s just that I felt the ending was melodramatic and the scope was less ambitious (both storywise and technically) than the preceeding films (Up, Wall-E, Ratatouille, etc.). Also, other great animated films like HTTYD, Despicable Me and LOTG made me realise the studio doesn’t have a monopoly on quality, not anymore anyway. A few more close-minded Pixar fans I’ve encountered has also made me realise how being enamoured with one studio can blind you to the progress of others.

So, yes, my opinion has been changed for a Pixar film. I was really looking forward to Toy Story 3, and while I did enjoy it on my first viewing, it started to pale on further reflection in comparison to its competitors. Maybe it’ll grow on me with subsequent viewings.

On a positive note, I have to admit I was semi-skeptical for Cars 2, but the recent trailer blew my preconceptions to smithereens, and while I’m still a little worried about the production progress and character screentimes, I have more confidence Pixar will regain my faith next year.

I was disappointed with TS3, too. But I’m trying to say it less so some of the members on the Toy Story forum don’t kill me…

Geez, IV, you have the right to an opinion! :slight_smile: As long as you don’t attack other people’s opinions aggressively and defend yours politely, you have nothing to worry about. Have some confidence in your beliefs, okay? :wink:

Besides, we’re not the only ones to have been less than impressed by TS3.

Oh, I know. I’ve heard(seen? XD) at least 3 other people voice their disappointment, but I said it on the TS forum, which was just asking for trouble. I guess I should have seen that coming; I guess I just assumed they would understand, or at least not argue.

That must be very disappointing, though not surprising. Some people believe in their convictions that they refuse to let them be questioned or discussed. Which is a pity, because polite debates are fun to have! Anyway, don’t let that bother you too much, just be confident to express your opinion as long as you don’t intentionally insult anyone.

Yeah, I’m working on that. XD I try not to insult people. But on the internet, people have an awful tendency to take anything too seriously. It’s really annoying. :neutral_face:

The thing with the internet is that people bash things fiercely,and attack you if you’re trying to defend it…especially when it’s popular opinion vs yours…That’s why I try not to bash other people’s fandoms because I know how annoying and flustrating it is… :confused:

I wasn’t trying to bash TS3. I didn’t even dislike it. I was just trying to share how I felt, and it was not accepted at all.

I think the problem with sending messages on forums, facebook, even texting is that you don’t really see the peoples face saying this. So unless you know the person well, you dont’ know how they’re saying it.

like if someone says
“I didn’t like Ratatouille”

People take it different ways because they don’t hear your tone of voice. Some people will think oh, they didn’t like it. And others will think that they despised it.

Indeed, but I think there also exists a distinct difference between “I wasn’t really a fan of WALL•E” and “WALL•E Sucks D**k”. Not that I at all agree with that inordinate statement.