Ever changed your mind about a Pixar film?

Exactly, you’ll know an offensive statement when you see one. To use another example, “Character X is stupid and annoying” is a nastier way of saying, “I found Character X silly because of Y”. If you have an opinion, be prepared to back it up, and don’t make blanket statements.

Okay, I didn’t mean to get everyone off-topic. XD I was just informing carluver that in no way did I bash TS3 or any Pixar film. I was just trying to share an opinion.

I wasn’t talking about you Virigina, I was talking in general…

What eje said, tone of voice can change a lot. There are far too many flamers and elitists on the internet that will declare their opinion the only right answer. :unamused: Debates can be fun though, but yes, only when no one gets angry. :slight_smile:

^ Exactly!! I just don’t see why I must possess specific opinions or be black-listed by certain members. :frowning:

The first time I saw Ratatouille, I was just like “meh. I could take it or leave it.”
But when I saw it again, my opinion changed completely, I was amazed. Funny how the way you watch a movie can change what you think of it. (The first time, I watched it with a bunch of people, the second time I watched it alone.)

I changed my mind on both Wall-E and Up for the better. I found both films quite detatched and overrated to begin with, with the former being “boring” and the latter being “childish”. My mind completley changed with both. They’re two of my absolute favourites because I grew to fall in love with them and cherish the beauty.
I found Ratatouille good to start with, but my opinion waned in time and now I find it a bit…meh.

I changed my Mind about Ratatouille. I used to think Ratatouille was a bit boring and I didn’t really think it was very funny and out of all the Pixar films it kind of stood out the least for me. But I watched it again a few weeks ago and I just love it now. It’s not my favourite Pixar film but I definitely like it a lot more.

Not entirely. There is not a Pixar film that made me thing negative about it. THe only subtle thing that does change is my excitement level. Like, when I see the trailer, I get a little excited. THen after I see the movie, I’m crazy.

I don’t know if this really counts but…

Monster’s INC. I was 7 when it first came out and I saw it at the discount cinema. I hated it, I thought it was boring and unfunny. I didn’t see it again until I was about 13 and I loved it then. So now I am making a point of watching all the movies I hated as a child again :smiley: .

Garak of Cardassia -DO IT! :smiley:

I’ve never been an Incredibles fan. I’ve always thought it was an alright movie. But the more I’ve watched it the past year, the more I’ve gotten to like it, it’s very enjoyable!

You have no idea how unbelievably hard this made me laugh. Especially the whole “1,000 GameBoys being burned alive” thing. My goodness, I’m still wiping tears from my eyes trying to write this. XD

I’ll keep my thoughts brief. I just saw that written up there and wanted to say how much it made me laugh, now I feel obligated to actually say something relevant to the thread. Oh boy. :neutral_face:

You’ve already heard my feelings on TS3. If not, refer to TDIT’s post above for my exact thoughts and feelings.

I used to love Cars the first year it came out (seriously, my sister and I were obsessed freaks), but it really lost its luster for me over time, and is frankly quite boring to me now.

I always thought The Incredibles was going to be better than it was. Maybe I don’t have a thing for super hero movies, I dunno. It really feels like a detachment from the rest of Pixar’s movies, and the characters aren’t relatable at all. (All in my opinion, I’m not saying this as a general statement.)

I can empathize with Pixar Builder on WALL-E, though. When I heard that they were incorporating a whole love story into it, I thought “Oh my gosh, how stupid! What in the world are they thinking… robots falling in love?!”

But it’s one of those things that you have to see to believe, and I can’t think of any other animated relationship more beautiful than WALL-E and EVE’s. <3 WALL-E still stands pretty much on top as my all-time favorite Pixar film, with Ratatouille not far behind. :slight_smile:

little chef

I didn’t like Cars at all when I first saw it. I watched it again only after a few years and then liked it a lot more (not to my favourites, but still).
I watched WALL-E and Up on DVD at home, so I wasn’t watching them very attentively. But when I cried near the end of Up, I thought “Hey, I definitely missed something in this movie, I need to rewatch it. And WALL-E too”. I love them now.

I’m assuming this applies to having seen it first, as opposed to watching the trailer, making a judgement, seeing the movie, and then making a different judgement. In this case I would say The Incredibles. The first time I saw it I was like, oh, it was okay. I guess to me it was just so different to what had gone before. I dont go a lot for the superhero/action flick genre anyway. But after I saw it a second time, and then a third, it grew on me and I liked it more and more.

When I saw the tailer for Ratatouille I thought it would suck, but I liked it, same for Up. I think it’s because Pixar is kinda bad at making trailer’s most of the time.

Really? Their teasers always make me very interested!

I just really never liked their trailers, but alway’s love their movie’s.

Changing mine round actually! I’ve grown to adore Ratatouille, as well as Cars, as I’ve been rewatching in preperation for the sequel! And I find Up a bit overrated now, although I still love it! x

For me, it was definitely Cars. At the time, I wasn’t too excited about seeing it. I had always heard that it wasn’t a bad movie, but didn’t live up to the Pixar standard. The first time I saw it, I thought it fell a bit, but not entirely, flat. But recently, after the hype for Cars 2 (and, admittedly, getting hyped myself) I rewatched it. Though I still agree with the “good but not amazing” assessment, I found myself enjoying it more. It’s probably my least favorite Pixar film, but, considering I like them all, that isn’t a bad thing at all. I like it more than I used to, especially the beginning sequences.

The Incredibles fits this somewhat. I liked the film when it was first released, but on repeated viewings my respect for it increased. I noticed smaller details, especially with the family dynamic.