Ever changed your mind about a Pixar film?

Yes, I just realize that all Pixar films are better everytime I rewatch them

When I first saw Toy Story 3, I was all like “OMG BEST MOVIE EVER”

now I’m kinda meh about it… Still a good movie, but there’s just better stuff out there

is it possible that we are the same person. braintwinz~

uhm, besides that, i can’t really think of anything i’ve changed my mind about, really. i like cars /slightly/ more than i did when i first saw it, but i’m still not a huge fan.

Before seeing it? I thought I’d hate Cars because it seemed to be about racing…only to find out it wasn’t about racing at all. Well, not much anyway.

Lets have a think… I go through period of time when one film is undoubtably, in my opinion,“Pixar’s Worst Animated Film” its usually A Bug’s Life (I just don’t get it), however with a girlfriend who is ABL NUTS… the more I watch the more I enjoy… however it will never be my favourite… then the other one is Cars 2… OK it’s not released yet, however my rollercoaster of emotions and ideas on this film sum up this topic completely…

Cars 2 is announced…
I label is another Disney “Cash Cow” after hearing Lasseter not Directing.

Newt is Axed and Cars 2 is Saved by Lasseter…
I go stir Crazy cause Newt is Original… oh… wait yeah… Rio has the exact same storyline… Well at the time It was the better of the two… Lasster joins brings faith… however why couldn’t he save Newt?- Hence my lfetime ambition to walk into the studios and demand to direct the film!

Teaser Trailer- logo reveal
I get extremely excited… however working in a cinema and having the reveal played on a loop with 4 other trailers you do want to get the TV off the wall… or throw something through it!

its been up and down since… I get days where I can’t wait for the film…
Then I get days where to be honest I’ll place my money on Cars 2 not to recieve Oscar nomination at all.
However knowing the US get the film 31 days ahead of the UK does make me a little sceptical… Unlike TS3 and Up the delay isn’t that long… however will the movie be quoted word for word on Twitter? Will Signatures carry nothing but screen shots and spoilers? I think we’ll have to wait and see…

Seeing the new advertisement in the cinema however great excitement… I’ve been playing “Where’s Wally/Waldo?” with various cast members in the three promo displays we’ve been given… However some deep dark recess in the pit of my soul says the film is going to bomb… as its pretty poorly released a Week after Harry Potter 7.2 and a Week before Captain America… No one will want to see it except parent’s who have nothing better to do with thier children and want to shut them up for about 90minutes

I had what I call my Skeptic Phase from Finding Nemo to Cars, as I didn’t like the films made during that period as much as the first Pixar productions (I didn’t dislike them either, just that I didn’t love them as much as the first four)

Anyway, on second viewings, I got to love both Nemo and The Incredibles, and now I regard them as masterpieces. About Cars, I didn’t change my mind too much. I love it, but I still think it was Pixar’s weakest.

Well, I have been getting a better opinion about Cars. I thought it was good as far as the characters and the soundtrack goes. One thing I didn’t like about it was that Cars was a retrend of Doc Hollywood. Another thing that kind of bothered me was the running time. Kind of thought they could of cut some of the scenes in Radiator Springs. It’s still one of the weakest Pixar films but I enjoyed it.

Yes, at least once, and that was with Ratatouille. I saw an early screening of the film and thought it was fairly impressive but somewhere near the middle/lower end of my Pixar rankings. But every time I’d watch the movie again, and it was way more times than I usually watch Pixar movies or a newly released movie, I’d be amazed more and more. Often times my appreciation for a movie will either plateau or decrease after multiple viewings, but with Ratatouille, it just kept skyrocketing. The fantastic and romantic score by Giacchino, the golden-tinted lighting, the setting in Paris, the refreshing story decisions, the gorgeous color palette, the passion for something (especially food)… it’s hard not to love this film. I actually think the one thing that kept me from initially loving the film were some of the rat characters aside from Remy and the occasionally off-putting script. Now, I enjoy Brad Bird’s writing; don’t get me wrong. But some of the lines and jokes in the movie were a little unnatural and almost forced. It doesn’t bother me like it once did, but yeah. I also didn’t like Emile when I first saw Ratatouille and I felt that Remy’s relationship with Django and the other rats weren’t represented to a proper extent. Do I care anymore? Not as much, because the superlatives overpower those minor “flaws.”

It’s probably one of my favorites, if not #1 (though I have a difficult time picking an absolute favorite Pixar film; in the past, it’s changed among The Incredibles, Monsters Inc and Toy Story, but really there’s a huge tie for first among about 4 or 5 of 'em). I’m known for only watching my favorite movies once a year, but even now typing this I’m getting a craving to watch Ratatouille again… I honestly think that, despite it not being my favorite film of all time, I would probably choose to watch Ratatouille if I could only watch one movie for the rest of my life. Also, I reeeeeally really want the “Art of” book. Hardcore!

When I was younger, Monsters, Inc was my favorite Pixar film. Now it’s not even in my top 5. I still love it dearly! But I perfer some of Pixar’s other films.

When I first saw The Incredibles, I didn’t like it, but then once I was able to watch it again a tad older I adored it. I’m pretty sure it started my obsession with superheroes.

That’s really touching Q-o-P. Your love of Ratatouille is awesome!

Anyway I change my mind about all of them all the time really.

I’ve noticed that 8D

Yeah, I can be very moody with movies. The only Pixar movies that are safe from my anger are The Incredibles, Ratatouille, Up, and the first two Two Stories. 8D

It’s not Pixar, but it’s Disney. I use to like the Inspecter Gadget movie, now I think it’s stupid.

I’ve never seen that, but it looks gimmicky.

Trust me, it’s dumb. I don’t really remember the sequel. The cartoon series was good.

I use to not really like Cars and A Bug’s Life. When Cars first came out, I wasn’t a big car guy, I didn’t really like cars, I didn’t talk about cars like most kids my age did. I saw the movie, and thought it was OK, I didn’t like it and I didn’t hate it. But then, when I saw it a year or so later, I realized that I actually liked it, and I’ve liked it ever since.

Now, A Bug’s Life is an different story. I saw it a few times when I was little, and I just didn’t like it at all. I liked Hopper, but that was it. That was really one of the only things I liked about it. I thought that it was just weird and strange. i remember that one time, I actually CRIED when Hopper got eaten by the bird. I don’t know, I was a strange kid. But, after seeing it for the first time in years when it came on Disney Channel about a week or two ago, I fell in love with it. I had stopped what I was doing, watched it, and then when it ended, I was like, “Wow. Are they gonna be airing this again anytime soon?” I said that because, besides Up and Cars 2, A Bug’s Life is the only Pixar movie that I DO NOT own.

I am always changing my mind about pixar films!

When i first saw ratatouille, i thought it was really boring, i didnt like at all. i saw it the other day for the first time in about 2 years, and i thought it was really good!

Yay! Glad to hear it, I love Ratatouille.

It’s very interesting to hear(read, hehe) your guys stories about how your perception of the films change or have changed.