I have a small question about EVE’s arm cannon. What would happen if a wild animal was blasted with it? Would the animal be blasted away or would it be blasted to smithereens and killed? Thanks for helping me out!
I am positive that the animal would be blasted to smithereens and killed. I don’t think a laser gun was meant to blow something away, but instead destroy it. Poor animal.
Well, seeing as it’s a cannon and not a laser, I think the animal would definitely blasted into oblivion. If it was a laser it might have been sliced, cut or scratched, depending on how long it was attacked.
big hole in the stomach just like the rock…capew!!!
Loving the description, Al-Bob.
It’s scary to think just how dangerous EVE is, especially when her directive was just to look for plant life. I guess she needs the cannon to blast things away to help her search, or to kill any surviving animals that might try and attack her, but with the way Earth was, surely there was no chance of life surviving anyway? So I’m guessing her cannon was used literally just to aid her search for plant life in terms of blasting away closed doors or heavy things, stuff like that.
But yep, if an animal were to be shot at by EVE, there wouldn’t be much of an animal left.
Yeah, but if you refer to EVE as dangerous, you might as do the same for McQueen who’s able to knock down other cars sending them to an utter explosion, Bruce who’s able to tear a fish into half and let’s not forget all the kitchen knives in Ratatouille.
Maybe her cannon is meant for drilling purposes to aid her in her search in case she… no, in case it has to get through a pile of rocks or a rock solid wall, etc. Though she’ll have no problem getting through a rock solid ‘WALL’•E.
WBoon- Yeah, but EVE has a cannon designed to blow stuff up. She did nearly kill the main character of the film several times. And yes, I do think sharks are dangerous, too, somehow.
Yeah, well, you never know what scums exist throughout the universe nowadays. It might be dangerous, but that’s only due to EVE’s reckless manner of usage, IMO. It’s only as dangerous as a pistol held by the Police force can get. They use their weapon for defensive purposes, too, but they don’t just go shoot any Tom, big and hairy who accidentally trips over a pebble.
I’m pretty sure it’s solely for defensive or utilitarian purposes. I do imagine that critters would definitely be vaporized by the thing unless they’re a certain cockroach by the name of Hal
And not to be a nerd, but it’s officially a Liquid-Cooled Quasar Ion Cannon.
a liquid cooled what??
Sounds near in the future…sweet
I think Eve can control the power of her lasers though, I remember at one point she blasted at one of the steward bots and it merely cracked its screen instead of leaving a smouldering crater…
AI-Bob: Well, that’s what the official WALL-E site says in her character description, at any rate.
really wow!
That was a great job on pixar’s part.
I think the strength varied, you see how she shoots the steward and only the screen gets blown up and falls over while it was able to blow up a rock in the beginning. I think she can control the power of it because it is a part of her body - like how hard a person decides to hit something with their fist is controlled - so she’d set it to stun or something and just blast the animal enough to scare it but not kill it.