Fanworks in aid of charity: Most recent update: help Japan

(Hopefully it’s okay I’m posting this in two places, it’s simply to spread the word more easily as well as the fact those who work on fanworks are mainly in two places here)

For those of you who don’t attend fandom much on livejournal, you may be unaware of this type of thing, but generally speaking this has happened in the past and is also occurring now. Basically this is where people complete requests in fanworks (art, fic and other) for people for a certain amount of money which shall be given to charity in aid of whatever crisis may be happening that the specific community is concentrating on.

With the recent earthquake/Tusnami which hit Japan this is the most recent wave of support and fanwork sponsership in such an area. Basically here in the link below you can either offer your services for bids OR you can place bids and pay for works- all of which shall be given to charity.

I believe that in the future as further inevitable charity things such as this will pop up again, I’ll simply edit the title post.

Here is help_Japan:

Also help_Haiti (which is older but still needs help):

Also for the recent crisis in ChristChurch New Zealand:

There are also many more. (More of which are probably linked from these communities, but here’s just a few if you’re interested, after all there’s a lot of people who need help in the world!).

However also for arguments sake I’ll also link up this post made in one of my fandom communities for more general donations which don’t require fanworks involved at all. Just generally donating money etc. in the traditional/normal way for Japan’s own need: … 69791.html

I have never heard of this before, thank you for bringing it to our attention! There are many ways to help the people less fortunate, and donating or buying artwork is a perfect way for artists.